Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Anthony G. Martin, Conservative Examiner

Behind the masks--how the radical Left intends to save elections for Obama

September 6th, 2010
When the most vicious attack dogs are backed into a corner, as they say, 'you ain't seen nothing yet.' The mongrels pull out all of the stops, barring none, in order to salvage what little is left of their viability.

This is certainly the case with the Obama minions who are increasingly showing signs of desperation with regard to their public approval...and their looming shellacking at the polls in November.

The radical Left has kicked up its efforts into high gear in a desperate attempt to salvage the November midterm elections this year and to somehow reelect Barack Obama in 2012.

Mainstream America continues to wake up to the fact that they have been duped, that the 'man behind the mask' in the White House is not who they thought, and that the plan for America as implemented by Democrats in Congress since 2006, when they took control of both Houses, is leading the country off the cliff.

The result? The Leftwing consortium of extremist groups has resorted to gutter tactics that one associates with the very worst of the Chicago thugs.

Saul Alinsly, the 1960s radical whom both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton describe as their 'mentor,' described the tactic best in rule number 13 in his book 'Rules for Radicals':

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

Another way to describe it is 'Disrupt-Discredit-Destroy.'

No greater example of the tactic can be found than the Left's response to Dr. Alveda King's appearance at Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' rally in Washington on 8/28. King, the niece of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., committed the ultimate faux pas in the view of the race-baiters such as Al Sharpton and the NAACP, and thus, a concerted effort was mounted to smear her.

Beck himself has been the subject of outrageous smears, closely akin to that of Sarah Palin. The Huffington Post even offered $100,000 bucks for a non-existent Glenn Beck 'sex tape.'

Meanwhile, the NAACP has joined with the far-Left extremist group Think Progress, arm of the Center for American Progress, to 'highlight' incidences of 'racism' within the Tea Party movement.

It should be remembered that in July it was Think Progress that was caught red-handed manufacturing a fake video depicting non-existent Tea Party racism.

A new website has even been launched, the sole purpose of which is to spout propaganda concerning the supposed racism that is 'rampant' in the Tea Party movement.

And who would be the sponsors of this website? Think Progress, Center for American Progress, Media Matters, and the NAACP.

A much broader consortium of Leftwing organizations is in on the smears, however. The large labor unions, SEIU, the AFL-CIO, and others, are notorious for their sometimes violent attacks against detractors.

Recently the AFL-CIO referred to Sarah Palin as 'McCarthyite,' which, in the view of Leftists, strikes fear in the heart when one remembers that official documents released by the Kremlin during the late 1990s confirmed that most of Joe McCarthy's charges of Communist infiltration of the American government and society during the 1940s and 50s were proved to be 100% correct. But the Left is still counting on the thorough smear-job it accomplished against McCarthy in order to negatively portray Palin.

The AFL-CIO has also joined up with Communists, La Raza, the ACLU, and other unions, for a massive 'voter registration drive' prior to the midterm elections in November.

And ACORN-like voter fraud has already been discovered in Houston, Texas.

The key to understanding the significant threat posed by these groups, and others, is to recognize that the main players are often members of multiple organizations that work behind the scenes toward the same subversive goals. The Tides Foundation, Media Matters, Moveon.org, the Apollo Alliance, Center for American Progress, ACORN (or whatever name du jour they happen to be using), SEIU, the AFL-CIO, and a host of others walk in tandem to target, smear, discredit, and destroy conservative voices.

According to private investigators and other sources, some of these groups often enlist volunteers or pay special operatives to scan conservative websites in order to implement the Alinsky strategy referenced above. And, as this explosive report shows, sometimes the perpetrators work for federal government itself.

Be sure to catch my blog The Liberty Sphere.


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