Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Common Core Agenda – Part 1: Let’s Take It From the Top

We all know it, America’s public school system is failing our kids, and there are few among us that don’t agree that something needs to be done to fix the problems; but what? Perhaps a new centralized system paid for by the federal government is the answer – HA!  As we have seen in the increasing number of stories highlighting some of the disturbing lessons associated with the new Common Core standards for education [Teach Your Children Well, Because You Never Know What They’ll Pick Up in School…and Schools Across the Country Are Openly Indoctrinating Our Kids], a federal model is not the answer.  Never the less, Common Core is here, and it will reshape the future of America, but where did it come from?… [Read More...]

The Common Core Agenda – Part 2A: Architects and Profiteers

We all know the American education system is failing, and because of this many well meaning though naive people jumped on the Common Core bandwagon without having any idea of what they were supporting. “The promise of the Common Core is dying and teaching and learning are being distorted.  The well that should sustain the Core has been poisoned.”  She sites the constant testing of students, that does nothing to enhance the learning experience but is instead another aspect of the never ending data collection that is so much a part of Common Core.  She rightfully questions the new business model as well and asks why companies like Pearson which receives “multi-million dollar contract to create tests for the state should also be able to profit from producing test prep materials.”… [Read More...]

Problems with Data Privacy in Relation to Common Core Standards, The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, and The Education Sciences Reform Act
The type and amount of personal, family, and non-academic data collected by the schools, reported in state longitudinal databases and used for research by the federal government was stimulated by the passage of the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA) and has grown rapidly since then.  Loss of student and family data privacy has been accelerated by the proliferation of education programs funded by the federal government, especially in the early childhood realm and including home visiting … [Read More...]

Thinking About Common Core?  (Video with David Barton)

Common Core is a work in progress, an education system to politically indoctrinate your children. In the Communist country of Cuba, children were indoctrinated to believe that Socialism and Communism were fine,  Childrens history from Kindergarten to adulthood was kept in a file by the government. Children were taken away from their parents and their rights to their children was taken away. Over 50 years later, these children are still under Communism.  Beware, Common Core fundamentally changes what children will learn.  [View the reports at Bear Witness TV]

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