What is happening to our country? When did we become so polarized and divided? When did it become acceptable to call each other names, and dismiss many of us as racists, tea partiers, bigots, obstructionists, violent terrorists, morons, and idiots?
I think many Americans voted for Barack Obama in the hopes that it would once and for all end the racist rhetoric that as long been a part of our culture. Many were tired of George Bush politics, backbiting and disparity. The idea of hope and change sounded so positive in a time of economic uncertainty, disappointment and worry. Transparency and honesty sounded like a welcome change to all the shenanigans that the public had seen coming out of Washington. What many of us craved was a “Mr. Smith goes to Washington” time. We got instead something entirely different.
Few of us see spending billions of taxpayer’s money to bail out failure as change we can believe in. The stimulus package that did not stimulate the economy, but put us at the mercy of our creditors, was not the kind of change we wanted. Massive debt that makes the great United States look like Europe was not what we had in mind.
Then came health care and along with it, more dishonesty. Even though the campaigning Obama promised transparency through C-SPAN, etc., what we actually saw was corruption at its peak. Deals were made behind closed doors, senators’ votes were bought with our money, principles were thrown out the window for promises, and lies and deception prevailed. A major bill passed that was completely nonpartisan; not one Republican voted for the 2,000-page monster that no one read. We have yet to learn how this bill will play out economically, as the numbers given to the CBO were false. Many do believe that it will cripple us financially, and not improve health care. Over 60 percent of Americans support repeal of the bill.
The latest debacle comes in the form of a law made in Arizona that would be completely unnecessary if the federal government would do its job of protecting our borders. After suffering murders, kidnappings, destruction of private property, a financial drain on social and public programs, trespassing, and closing of a local hospital due to bankruptcy, Arizona state government was compelled to do something to alleviate the suffering of its citizens. Over 60 percent of Americans support the Arizona law, even though Arizona has been ridiculed by people that openly admit they had not read the bill. Then we have to endure a diatribe by the president of Mexico telling us what an awful country we have as half the Congress applauds. Mexico has much more stringent immigration laws than we do, and is a hotbed of corruption, drugs and lawlessness. Their people suffer greatly to escape that misery.
Where is our president in this mess? Adding to the confusion and driving a wedge between the people of Arizona and the rest of the nation.
Lastly, a tragedy has occurred in Louisiana, and the president daily blames BP. I have not heard BP once deny their culpability, and they are spending millions of dollars trying to rectify the situation. It’s a business disaster for them, and the people on the Louisiana coast. As far as assessing blame, the president might want to look at the fact that his administration 10 days before the oil rig blew, gave BP an exemption from an environmental impact statement and the development of a full-blown comprehensive response plan should there be a catastrophic event. Neither the government or BP was equipped to handle this disaster, but the administration was quick to use fiery rhetoric (boots on the throats of BP) to flame the fires of discontent. I see that as a handy way to deflect attention away from their part in the mess.
In my whole life I have never seen a president act so “un-presidential.” He questions how much money we should make and our right to free speech. He labels those who disagree with him, and those that fail to bow to his incompetency. He follows his own leftist agenda regardless to what is constitutional or what the American people want. It doesn’t appear that Obama believes in American exceptionalism. He is quick to apologize for real or imagined wrongs. Of course this is not a perfect country and mistakes have happened, but the American people owe no other country an apology. Our men and women have died to prohibit oppression. There are cemeteries all over the world that attest to that fact. Billions of our taxpayer’s money has gone to help the underprivileged everywhere. No other country can hold a candle to us, our greatness and generosity. Perhaps Obama is not proud to be an American, but I most certainly am, and will work to reestablish a government that reflects that sentiment and deserves our respect. I hope other patriots will join in that goal.
Originally published in the Sun-Journal, 6/12/10, New Bern, NC
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Sun Journal Letter to the Editor (6/12/10) by CCTA Member, Nancy Murdoch: STARTS AT THE TOP
tea partiers
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