Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Climate absurdity: Illegal immigration caused by warming?

Just when you think you've heard everything, we're told that impoverished Mexicans are fleeing north to escape global warming.

According to a new study in the "prestigious" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they are leaving because of climate change! And the problem will only get worse, as more farms and water supplies dry up. By 2080, up to 6.7 million Mexican campesinos could be heading north, to escape droughts worse than anything since the Nature-driven Dust Bowl or Anasazi and Mayan desiccations.

Yes, we could have a disaster and mass northward migration, if the climate really did warm 5 or 10 degrees, as some computer models, computer games, Hollywood movies and "prestigious" researchers say it might. Or if space aliens landed in Mexico and stole all the water? Give me a break. Enough with the ridiculous what-if computer scenarios. Anyone can manufacture "scenarios." They mean nothing. They are "evidence" or "proof" of nothing, except overly active imaginations.

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