Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sun Journal Letter to the Editor by CCTA Vice Chairman, Nancy Murdoch


June 11, 2011
If one is interested in understanding how the federal government accrued so much debt, the budget meeting of the county commissioners on June 6 would answer that question. Most of the commissioners are intent on spending taxpayers’ money wisely, however in many aspects their hands are tied as so many departments are mandated by the state and/or federal government.

The 2011-12 numbers have not been finalized, but according to the county website the total budget for Craven County Social Services for 2010-11 was almost $161 million. Of that total almost $7 million came from county citizens; the rest from the state and federal government. And yet one of the commissioners and one of the attendees talked about all the hunger and poverty in Craven County, and complained that the soup kitchen only serves one meal a day.

In 1964 the war on poverty began. Because of either the fundamental misunderstanding of human behavior or for political expediency, the Economic Opportunity Act was adopted. Some hoped that welfare would wither away. As most government programs do, this idea backfired and the percentage of people dependent upon the federal government has substantially increased. According to the Heritage Foundation, that war has cost us $14 trillion to date and the war is lost. Welfare costs are higher than education or national defense.

Despite claims that eventually more people would become self sufficient, the direct opposite has happened. The real tragedy is the legacy on families and individuals. Many have succumbed to the notion they are helpless and can’t make it on their own, and have passed those ideas onto their offspring. This kind of thinking has corrupted our culture and destroyed our families. Not only have people become dependent, but now many feel entitled for others to care for their every need and want. Instead of becoming responsible adults, these people are treated and act like spoiled children.

Einstein said “insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.” The government has done the same thing for over 45 years. Perhaps it’s time we try something different: the freedom to fail or succeed, and restoration of human dignity. The government should provide a safety net for the truly sick and helpless with no other resources, and let the rest feel some of the pain or experience the joy of their decisions. Failing to change will result in severe pain for almost all of us as our country suffers the consequences of fiscal irresponsibility.

Nancy Murdoch, CCTA VIce Chairman
Havelock, NC
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