Saturday, November 24, 2012

TPN—Judson Phillips:  The coming darkness
November 24, 2012

Today is the day after black Friday.  It is really the first day of the American Christmas season.  This should be a season of gladness and joy. 

Unfortunately, as we go into the end of the year and our holiday season, what lurks on the horizon is not glad tidings but instead gloom and more darkness.

What is coming to America and can we do anything about it?

For the next two years, we are going to see the death of the conservative movement in Washington.   The American government, other than some members of the Supreme Court, is going to be a conservative-free zone.

There will still be conservatives in Washington.  There will be conservatives in the Senate and House of Representatives.   However, there will be no conservatives in the leadership and a conservative agenda will not be advanced.  In fact, just the opposite will happen.  A massive liberal agenda will be in full swing, all with the acquiescence of the Republican Party. 

In January, we are going to see massive tax hikes.   First, the Obamacare tax hikes, originally passed in 2010, are going to kick in.    The Bush tax cuts are going to go away.  Obama and the Party of Treason say they want to increase taxes on the rich.  Unfortunately their definition of rich is anyone who is not on Obama’s food stamps. 

Two years ago, when Obama signed the law extending the Bush tax cuts, he pointed out that raising taxes in a soft economy would harm the economy.   That was when he was looking at reelection.  Now that he is a lame duck, he doesn’t care.

Actually, Obama understands tax hikes will push us further into the Great Obama Depression.   This is Obama’s goal.  Remember, Obama is a Marxist who believes America is not the greatest nation in the world but the greatest oppressor nation.

Where are the Republicans?

John Boehner has been busy consolidating power in the House of Representatives.  He now has absolute control over the GOP majority.   Eric Cantor has gone along with Boehner and conservatives who object to Boehner’s surrender first policy and big spending policies are simply out of luck. 

Where are the conservative Republicans in the House?  You will find them in the House.  You won’t find them in the leadership of the House.

Harry Reid’s top priority coming out of this election is “filibuster reform.”  Anytime any idea comes from the Party of Treason with the word reform attached to it, you do not need to read anything beyond the title to know that it is a bad idea. 

Reid wants to eliminate the filibuster, thus making it impossible for Republicans to offer any meaningful resistance in the Senate.  He has already changed the rules in the Senate so that Republicans cannot offer any amendments to bills unless Reid specifically wants the amendment.

In short, he is turning what is supposed to be a deliberative body into little more than his own rubber stamp.

As we go into 2013, John Boehner is going to be raising his freshly laundered white flag of surrender early and often.  He will surrender on taxes.  They are going to go up.   He is going to surrender on the debt ceiling.  He is going to surrender on spending.  The only spending cuts we will see will be in one of the few areas the Constitution specifically mandates a role for the Federal Government.  He will cut the defense budget so that by the time Obama leaves office in 2016, China will be the world’s top military superpower.

Our spending and borrowing will continue to push us on a trajectory towards a Grecian outcome.

We have two choices.

We can surrender or we can fight.

Since I have never been a fan of John Boehner, I say we fight.

Saying we should fight is easy.  Actually doing it is hard.

If we are going fight, we need a plan. 

Here’s a plan. 


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