Sunday, March 24, 2013

Letter to the Editor: Is this the future? By CCTA Member, Lou Call

March 25th, 2013

Letter to the Editor

Is this the future?
What you are about to read is a little troubling to say the least; most of you aren’t even aware that this has taken place. The fact that this has happened in New York State would make you believe that we live in North Carolina and it can’t happen here; and you would be wrong.

It gives us a glimpse into the mind of the true liberal progressive and what they have in store of America.

It is no secret that New York State is one of the most hostile environments in the Country when it comes to gun ownership and control. Chris W. Cox, executive director of NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action recently stated that, “Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature usurped the legislative and democratic process in passing extreme anti-gun measures with no committee hearings and no public input. This obvious disrespect for New Yorkers and their Second Amendment rights and will not be tolerated.”

He went on to say that “Despite the wishes of Governor Cuomo, law-abiding citizens have a fundamental right to keep commonly possessed firearms for defense of themselves and their families.”

What Mr. Cox is referring to is the New York State SAFE act; the Secure Ammunition & Firearms Enforcement act. SAFE encourages state residents to report “illegal” gun owners in exchange for a $500 reward. New Yorkers can call a "Gun Tip Line" if they believe someone they know has an illegal gun, according to Hotline calls are answered by state police and tips are referred to local law enforcement.

Reminiscent of programs in Cuba or the former Soviet Union, the "reward for turning in your neighbor" program is another example of overreaching by the anti-freedom, power-hungry Cuomo administration. It is outrageous, and it is un-American. These Gestapo like tactics were once employed in Germany during the thirties when true Germans were asked to report anyone harboring Jews or in the Soviet Union if your neighbor wasn’t on board with the Stalinist regime.

It can and will happen here unless we as a free people stand up and speak out. If nothing else we owe it to those who came before us who spilled their blood so that our Republic would continue. Our Constitution has stood fast against many internal threats; none greater than those threats of the last four years.

Louis Call River Bend, NC

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