Here are some of the questions and comments that people have when confronted with this truth
How many times do you hear, "Boy, I wish someone would have the gall to stand up to these people!" Well, there have been a few and we have IGNORED THEM! They have taken their lumps all ALONE! This gal is a HERO and she has been ignored by patriots! We need to REALLY get behind those brave enough to stand up and say, "NO"!!!!
By Sherry Peel Jackson --
Here are some of the questions and comments that people have when confronted with this truth. I will tell you the answers that I gave after each question:
1. If we don't pay the income tax how would the country function? The answer to this question is very simple - the income tax revenue does not go towards running the country. On January 15, 1984, the Grace Commission, which is a private sector committee impaneled by President Ronald Regan to find ways to cut government spending found the following: "With two-thirds of everyone's personal income taxes wasted or not collected, 100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the federal debt - all individual income tax revenues are gone before one dime is spent on the service taxpayers expect from government." This money actually goes to pay interest on our federal debt. The federal debt is paid to the Federal Reserve, which is not a part of the government but is a privately owned non-auditable banking cartel. To make it plain, your hard earned money is paid to the Federal Reserve to maintain control over your lives and the lives of countless other human beings on this earth. You can find several Internet sites that clock the federal debt as it rises per second. We currently pay the Federal Reserve over 36 million dollars per hour in interest. Obviously this money isn't going to current owners, but is being put in trust for children that are not even born yet - while you slave away trying to make ends meet. In addition, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Beardsley Ruml, addressed the American Bar Association during the last year of World War II. The title of his speech was "Taxes for Revenue are Obsolete."
2. Why doesn't my accountant or lawyer know this? If your accountant or lawyer does not know about the income tax hoax it is because they were not taught. I went all the way through high school, college and IRS training without this knowledge. The colleges and universities teach only what the textbooks contain. These same colleges and universities receive large sums of money from foundations - some of which may be directly or indirectly owned by the owners of the Federal Reserve banks. Concerning text books: There was a CBS 20/20 special hosted by Sam Donaldson that proved outright fraud and deception in the textbooks of primary and secondary schools. One example was given where there were over 100 factual errors in the textbook. The most disturbing revelation from this show, however, was the fact that one high school history book contained three lines twice about George Washington, but six and a half pages of information on Marilyn Monroe. Since when did Marilyn Monroe carry more clout than the founding fathers? (Answer) Since those with the cash to pay for the books started manipulating the content of the books. It can be concluded that the same re-writing of history is present in the textbooks at colleges and universities also. In addition, I personally talk to some tax preparers that do know about these issues. They acknowledge that the information that I present to them may be correct, but they state that tax preparation is their source of income. These people imply that they would rather not research the issue. They would rather continue to operate in error and perpetuate the system by keeping the truth from their clients in fear of loosing this income, instead of finding other sources of income. Personally, I would rather dig ditches.
3. Why as the media not telling us about this issue? It has been stated that it only requires about 5% or 6% ownership in a large corporation to significantly influence that corporation. Rockefeller is one of the original shareholders of the Federal Reserve. In July 1968, the House Banking Subcommittee reported that Rockefeller, through Chase Manhattan Bank, controlled 5.9% of the stock in CBS and the bank gained interlocking directorates with ABC in 1974. Through other companies, it appears that "the powers that be" control the major television stations, as well as the major newspapers and radio stations. In other words, the power of the air. It has been reported that in 1953, John Swinton, the former Chief of Staff for the New York Times, was asked to give a toast to the independent press before the New York Press Club. It is obvious that he believed that the concept of an "independent press" was a farce that he no longer wished to be a party to. The following is reported to be a quote from his monumentally revealing toast: "There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know before hand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of the paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of journalist is to destroy the truth: to lie outright: to pervert; to vilify: to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it. What folly is this, toasting to an independent press? We are the tools and vassal of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
4. I believe you, Sherry, but I am too afraid to fight against the IRS. My response to this comment mirrors that of Ms. Devvy Kidd. It may be harsh, but when does fear become cowardice? What if the founding fathers had been too afraid to stand against the British Troops? What if the Quakers were too afraid to stand up against slavery? What if the American troops had been too afraid to advance at Normandy? Are your golf clubs, your Lexus and your fine clothes a fair trade for the future of our children? Are you willing to be a slave in order to remain in your comfort zone? Pause and think about that.
5. Well, the Bible says give unto Caesar what is Caesars and that we are to obey authority. The response to that comment is this: The Bible actually goes on to say, "therefore, IF you owe taxes, pay taxes. IF you owe tribute, pay tribute. If is a very important word, and there is a credible body of evidence that says most American citizens do not owe income taxes. In other words, it's not Caesar's! Also, concerning authority, God is to be obeyed over man. God put authority in place and expected them to have his best interest at heart, not their own selfish interest. If we are supposed to obey all authority then answer this: Where did Paul write most of the Epistles? In JAIL! He disobeyed the authorities of the day and chose to obey God. From Genesis through the New Testament are several instances where citizens disobeyed the authority of their time because that authority worked against the mandates of God. If the government told you that you must kill your first born because we are overpopulated would you? Of course not! That hopefully shows you that people will not just obey anything that comes down from Washington or the courts. They realize that people that go totally against the word of God should not be obeyed - no matter what. Please go back and read about Paul, the Hebrew midwives and Rahab the harlot, the three Hebrew boys.
6. Well, this all sounds like some kind of conspiracy, do you have proof that this was done by design? The response to that comment is this: If you check your history you will note something very compelling. Karl Marx wrote what is called the 10 planks of the communist manifesto. This plan is a design for the government to rule over the people. In my research, I have noted that we currently have a legislatively enacted counterpart for each of the ten planks of the communist manifesto. The second plank is a heavy graduated income tax. We have the Internal Revenue Service to make the people fearful and hand over the fruit of their labor. As Ambassador Alan Keyes exclaimed recently, " If the government has the power to tax even 1% of a man's labor, it has the power to tax 100% of a man's labor and that man is then a slave." We are all salves by design, and if you doubt it you need to do your research.
11/19/2007 - Sherry Peel Jackson, a former IRS revenue agent and certified public accountant, told a federal jury Tuesday she was sure she did not have to file income tax returns. But after less than 30 minutes of deliberations, the jury convicted Jackson of failing to file income tax returns for four years, despite the alleged fact that no such law mandating the payment of income tax even exists. NOW HERE IS THE BIG QUESTION: Where is Sherry Peel Jackson today? Does anyone know? Have you seen her? Have you heard from her? Is she still in prison? If so, which one? How can we reach her? IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU KNOW!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
By Sherry Peel Jackson -- Here are some of the questions and comments that people have when confronted with this truth
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