Please read this beautiful reflection of the Restoring Honor Rally, written by Diane Rufino. Diane is affiliated with Eastern North Carolina Tea Party!
Her blog site:
I would also like to share this note from Diane,
"Today I read some very disturbing news. On Monday, Aug. 30, the Huffington Post posted a vile piece offering $100,000 for a sex tape or other incriminating information on Glenn Beck so they can permanently remove him from the airwaves.
The post went something like this --
Beau Friedlander, a Huffington Post contributor and former editor of the failed liberal radio network Air America offered $100,000 for a sex tape or compromising phone conversation, etc, featuring Glenn Beck. "Rupert Murdoch and the Koch brothers are happy to throw money at the rising tide of right wing lunacy," wrote Friedlander.
Glenn Beck is the most widely-watched news show on TV. Viewers trust they will get the truth from him. He is helping to re-educate Americans with their history and their heritage. Thanks to him, the #1-selling books these days are the Constitution and books on our Founding Fathers. An educated electorate is the best chance we have to remain vigilante to abuses against our Constitution and system of government. He just organized a rally to honor God and our military, and raised over $5.5 million for fallen Special Ops soldiers. His followers represent the best in human character, dignity, and integrity. Their intentions represent the best for this country, in line with what our great and foreward-thinking Founders envisioned. Jon Voight once said, addressing the charges of racism in the Tea Party by the NAACP and other such groups, that the caliber of the people who follow Glenn Beck and have joined the Tea Party movement is so high that they themselves would rat out any instances of racism. They themselves would not tolerate it. If there were any such outbursts, the media would know about it immediately and concretely (rather than mere baseless allegations) because the Tea Party members themselves would out them for what they are. The average member of the Tea Party movement has more intelligence, greater moral character, greater respect for the law, greater respect for the Constitution, is more patriotic, and has a greater sense of duty than our President or any Democratic member in Congress.
So you have to ask yourself why would anyone want to slander or discredit Glenn Beck. Well, Friedlander's answer was just as offensive as his despicable offer: "Because he and and those who support him stand to make a lot of money off the anti-black president movement, and they are rich enough to imprint their beliefs on the American sheeple... Glenn Beck is a Mormon. It matters. His religion typifies the noble lie that the neocons originally set out to defend against the counterculture--Archie Bunker's America--where a woman's place was in the home and with baby, and an African American's place was in a ghetto. Mormons revere women much like Hindis do the cow, and they didn't accept African Americans in their ranks at all till 1978-- so draw whatever inferences you like. "
His vile piece went after "Tea baggers" (as he calls them), as well:
"In cultural terms, the original neoconservatives who birthed the baggers were way more frightened by the Broadway musical "Hair" than the film "Rosemary's Baby" (both from 1968). A mock ad might go like this: "Afraid your daughter might hook up with a black guy (or the nation may choose one to be president)? Have a problem with that homosexual and or promiscuous son or daughter? Does your son need a haircut? Do you often find biblical characters charred into your toast? Then do we have the movement for you!
It is time to pop the tea baggers' favorite balloon (so what if it will be replaced by another?), and with that in mind I hereby offer to negotiate a $100,000 payday to the person who will come forward with a sex tape or phone records or anything else that succeeds in removing Glenn Beck from the public eye forever. I am not offering the cash myself, but I will broker the deal and/or raise the money for what you bring to the table. (And it better be good.)
If you have the goods, or if you want to contribute to a slush fund to buy more takedowns (probably not tax deductible), please contact me at:
Welcome to modern day liberalism: if you can't beat 'em, smear 'em! "
This is the newspaper that our President and our members of Congress swear by. This is the newspaper of choice for Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama. This is the newspaper they cite for their facts and their news. This is the newspaper that Obama cites in his speeches.... "If you don't believe me, just read the Huffington Post."
Glenn Beck got word of Friedlander piece, and addressed this attempt at liberal lynching on his radio broadcast.
"If you don't believe me that your religious liberties are at stake, that there are progressives who are bigots and hate-mongerers when it comes to religion, just read what Friedlander wrote. They will stop at nothing." (Then he quoted what Friedlander wrote about his Mormon faith; see above).
"You can say what you want about me, but leave my wife out of it. You can say what you want about my faith, but when you begin to diminish the role of women in our lives... How dare you. As a member of a faith that is the only faith in American history to have an actual governmental enactment calling for the extermination of people based on religion, I take this attack seriously. Mormons are the only people in the history of America that the government (in the 1800's) targeted by legislation that made it OK to kill a Mormon simply because he was a Mormon. Period. U don't hear Mormons crying about that. You don't hear Mormons asking for reparations; you don't hear them asking for anything. But we understand. We have seen it before (the Holocaust).... targeting one religious group for extermination.
Just leave my wife and my family out of it."
Later that day, the post was removed by the Huffington Post. Very simply, this is what was noted:
"Editor's Note: This piece was published directly to the Huffington Post by its author. It didn't meet our editorial standards and has been removed from the site."
And even later that day, Friedlander offered an apology.
As one blogger wrote: "This is the problem with with allowing the communists and socialists in our free society. There is the problem of showing 'tolerance' to certain groups who if they had their way, if they were in power, would deny tolerance and liberties to you."
MSNBC Is a ‘Money-Losing Operation’
1 hour ago
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