Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Balanced with truth from a real Patiot!

Read the Rant below from Ken Humphry, Chairman of the Carteret County Democratic Party and then the wonderful response which follows by Tom Austin, member of the Crystal Coast Tea Party and a marine.

Tombstone Politics: Legacy of Hate
by Ken Humphrey, Chairman of the Carteret County Democratic Party
NEWS-TIMES, Sunday, Jan. 16, 2011


Free speech comes a real cost today: A bullet in the head, for instance. You have to admire a good clean headshot, done with gun control (using both hands). This is the lexicon of macho NRA gun lovers everywhere. He was all man. Who cannot admire a real man with a gun, or better still, a “real woman” — a former governor for instance, who can shoot an 80-year old blind moose with arthritis and bad knees with an NRA howitzer? “I dropped that sucker in his tracks!” An Annie Oakley from Wasilla! Men adore her. Sarah is a real woman in a world of real men. The icon and new normal in 2011. “We need to get our America back!” I tear up just thinking of it. All government is evil. All liberals are socialist, etc.

Shakespeare in 1592 seemed prescient, describing our political environment today: Chaos. We are edging closer. Crosshairs and words have consequences. Our Sarah: Don’t retreat. Reload! Blood libel!

Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair America, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge breaks to new mutiny,
Where civil hands, make civil blood unclean.

I can agree, to a point, with David Brooks, New York Times: “Political opportunism occasioned by this Arizona tragedy has ranged from the completely irrelevant to the shamelessly irresponsible.” There is no clear link to the Tea Party rage or the extreme right wing. But that is an over-simplification — a ho-hum — partly absolving those who stir hate every day: Hate radio hosts. Notice I did not say Talk Radio. But my issue with hate radio and the ilk of Limbaugh and Beck and Palin is already public record. So in this missive my position is consistent with my past. Beck, Palin, Bachmann and Limbaugh are those who fan hate in America. My opinion.

Gabrielle Giffords, her husband a Navy pilot and astronaut, read the First Amendment on the House floor — including the guarantee of “the right of the people to assemble peaceably” — and then went home to Arizona to put those words into practice. Her meetings were under the banner, “Congressional Corner.” She was gravely wounded by a young man filled with hate, a gun obtained in the most lenient state in the nation for qualifying to buy gun. Arizona NRA test: “Sir, do you have a pulse? Excellent! Here’s your automatic. Congratulations. The NRA welcomes you into the fold of Super American Patriots.” The NRA is the great enabler. Put your own meaning to this. Sell all the guns and ammo you can. Strap on your gun. Strut in public. Be macho man among boys: “I pack. Dida’ notice?” N.C. Rep. Heath Shuler packs. A bullet to the head of those who disagree with you is an efficient way to express extreme irritation. A 30-round Glock is excellent for taking out women congressmen, liberal judges and 9-year olds.

NRA? Not a peep. All hunkered in the weeds, sucking their thumbs, nervously wondering: “Now what?”

Note below some quotes from some of our self-ordained, far right conservative patriots. Did you miss these?

Michele Bachmann: “I want people in Minnesota armed and dangerous because we need to fight back.”

Momma Grizzly: “Guys, let’s not retreat. Let’s reload.” Sarah Palin put crosshairs on Giffords.

Glenn Beck: “I’m thinking about killing Michael Moore, I would like to kill him. I’m wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. No, I think I could.” (Glenn is such a straight talker).

Sharon Angel: “You know if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies. (Guns). I’ll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out!”

Rush Limbaugh: “You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you dearly, James. Godspeed, sir.” Limbaugh: Conservatives hero.

I mean let’s face it. We didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back. I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.” Folks, isn’t that Rushbo-boy something else? He nails it!

I could fill page after page with public quotes of the hate, bigotry, racism spewed daily by conservative hate show hosts. Are most of the conservative talk show hosts haters? Are most of them racist bigots flying under the sanctimonious flag of “Patriots”? Answer the question for yourself. Listen to their own words! They have an intense dislike of anyone “who is not like us: You know, all them people who talk funny.” Foreigners? Like Kenyans? They hate Kenyans with a passion!

Arizona, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik had it right. He is one courageous, truth-talking law officer. It is amazing when you talk truth about hate show hosts. They can’t stand it! They will unleash a wild-eyed, shocked defense of their hate-filled programs, their daily invectives. They rage: “You cannot publicly quote us — as we are!” Apparently, bad manners? Or did Sheriff Dupnik tell it exactly like it is? The prevailing first response, attitude to criticism for quoting them is this (Glenn Beck style): “Somebody needs to take that SOB out!” … for committing “the crime” of quoting them in public. See quotes above — again, please.

I have a hope that soon, very soon, that “Great Silent Majority” will step forward and say ENOUGH! Those who have until now stood quietly, silently on the sidelines, must act now with their words and letters to congressmen, to newspapers. Until now this GSM has only watched this angry, noisy, sanctimonious and at times scripture-quoting, hate-filled minority of the “far extreme right” that has co-opted headlines and airwaves recently. I hope good rational people will finally say: “Enough is enough” and begin to push back with words, letters and calls to Congress. My observation of the Great Silent Majority has been they don’t like to get involved, or as one friend told me: “I don’t like to draw attention to myself. Many of these people are dangerous.” All I can say is it is time for YOU to stand up. We have to be voices of reason, against their hate. Against their guns.   (Yes, Mr. Humphrey only hates anyone who disagrees with him or other leftists!)

God knows, since the age of 11 I have had guns, still do, and have hunted and fished. But I don’t worship the damned things. With continued silence, passivity, we stand to lose a lot in the coming years. Act now. Call, write your congressman. Do it! Last: Where is our clergy in all this?

Actions: Following my own advice, send your letter of concern, complaint about the hate-filled rhetoric of the conservative hate radio to me at: Push Back at Hate, P.O. Box 4084, Emerald Isle, N.C. 28594. I will hand carry these letters to Capitol Hill, to NRA Headquarters, to the Washington offices of Arizona Republican Sen. Kyle, and Arizona Congressman Trent Franks. The courageous outspoken sheriff of Pima County had it right. At least you can write one letter, make a call. How long will you just stand by?

***Read below for a response from Tom Austin, a member of the Crystal Coast Tea Party and a marine.

Letter to the Editor, Carteret County News-Times
P. O. Box 1679
Morehead City, NC 28557

Resonse to Letter from Kenneth Humphrey “Tombstone Politics - Legacy of Hate” Jan 16 2010.

Sir / Ms,

I would suggest you have one of the copy personnel do fact checks on any future letters from Mr. Kenneth Humphrey, Chairman of the Carteret County Democrat Party. This last one is full of misinformation that takes only a moment or two to check and correct. Why would he do this? I don’t know. Maybe to use the tragic shooting even in Arizona to some political agenda. Being a democrat he doesn’t need to check his facts for that.

First he somehow equates the murders in Arizona with “Freedom of Speech”. In no way do these 2 match up. The shooter in Arizona was not a supporter of free speech. The reports are that among his favorite books were Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and Marx’s “The Communist Manifesto”. This would place his beliefs in the area of the Communist Party and the Nazi (National Socialist Worker’s Party) Party which are totally against freedom of speech. The people that knew him say he was mostly apolitical but did have some “left” leanings. So with his desire for a socialist economy and control of the individual by the government doesn’t that put him way to the left of the TEA party groups? After all they, conservatives, believe in Freedom of speech.

Then he insults all hunters around the nation. I don’t understand that, what with him saying later in the letter that he is a hunter and owns firearms. If he is a hunter, and I am not saying he isn’t, I would think he would understand the need to use the correct firearm for the hunt and the animal to be harvested. I would also think he would know a moose does not live to be 80 and that no one hunts with a howitzer. Maybe he is being sarcastic about the use of a large bore firearm to take down a very large animal. Also I don’t recall Sarah Palin shooting a moose anyway. I do remember seeing her harvest a caribou. Maybe I didn’t see the show where she was moose hunting. Or maybe Mr. Kenneth Humphrey, Chairman of the Carteret County Democrat Party doesn’t know the difference or was just passing on misinformation he got from his masters at the DNC and did not bother checking out his facts.

Why he tried to tie the shooting in Arizona in with the NRA I do not know. The NRA has worked with law enforcement nation wide to help develop rational laws to prevent firearms from getting into the hands of felons, people with a violent history or the mentally unstable. Arizona has such laws. The owner of the gun shop obeyed the laws. The Sheriff of Pimi County did not. If Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik had done his job correctly there would have been notations on the shooter’s files that would have prevented his buying a firearm from any gun shop in Arizona. It is my understanding the Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik knew the family and law enforcement had been to their home on several occasions because of the actions of the “alleged” shooter. None of this was on his record and any of it may have been enough to stop his buying a firearm. As for the campus cops at his local college, they should have called the police and seen the proper report was made about his actions at the school. Everyone claims to have known he was dangerous, but none took the action to see he got help or actions to protect the public. And you know something? The NRA was not involved an any of it, other then to help craft the laws needed to keep firearms out of the hands of felons, people with a violent history or the mentally unstable. So how do you hold the NRA responsible?

Then Mr. Kenneth Humphrey, Chairman of the Carteret County Democrat Party finds fault with Gov. Palin saying that the conservatives should not retreat from their beliefs, but should reload with the truth, new people and votes to confront the liberals and Marxists that won the last Presidential election. I don’t seem to recall his having any objections when the left marched in the streets of DC calling for the death of Carl Rove. No objections to that from any democrat or other liberal as I recall. Gov. Palin calls for people to stand strong in their beliefs and the left calls for the murder of Carl Rove and you find fault with Gov. Palin? I don’t think I had ever heard of the term “blood libel’ before, but then I never looked for a way to hurt the Jewish people. As for Gov. Palin’s use of the term, I understand that according to Jewish leaders the term has been used over the years in ways other then the one it was first used for and has entered to language to be used in a different way then first intended. I understand that a Jewish leader, who is a democrat, stated that the way she used it was correct in the context used. So now Gov. Palin can’t speak unless it is cleared through the DNC first? What happened to the freedom of Speech Mr. Kenneth Humphrey, Chairman of the Carteret County Democrat Party was so desirous of?

Then Mr. Kenneth Humphrey, Chairman of the Carteret County Democrat Party tries to tie the TEA party and conservative talk radio to the shooter, but everyone that know him says he did not listen to conservative talk radio and was not connected to the TEA Party movement in any way. I still don’t understand why he has to address conservative talk radio as HATE radio when they do NOT call for violence in any way. Their speech is political. Mostly when race is address their call is for all racial divisions to stop and people to be addressed as individuals. Where is the hate in that? Is it hateful to help educate people about bills in congress and actions elected officials have taken that are seen as an abuse to the taxpayers and citizens? Is it hateful to call for the laws to be enforced? Is it hateful to see laws passed that are in their opinion an action against the Constitution and they call for people to know about it and be better informed? No, they are HATE radio because they do not knell down and side with the democrats, socialist and Marxist on the left.

As for Mr. Kenneth Humphrey’s, Chairman of the Carteret County Democrat Party, comment about Glenn Beck saying “I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore” that was sarcasm. Do you understand that? He was using this sarcastic statement to show he could not do that because of his belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ. He went on to say that he would not condone any violence. But then the democrats did try to trash him for holding a non-political rally in Washington DC to call for peace and national unity and discussion. WOW! He calls for “civil dialogue” and your democrats and other leftist trash him.

As for the comments made by Mr. Kenneth Humphrey, Chairman of the Carteret County Democrat Party about Rush Limbaugh praising James earl Ray and slavery, it took me less then 2 minute to find out that was a lie that the democrats and others on the left have been trying to spread for over a year. It also took the same amount of time to find out that Mr. Limbaugh is not letting this lie go by unchallenged and has taken legal action against others in the past. I thought Mr. Kenneth Humphrey, Chairman of the Carteret County Democrat Party would like the chance to bring this up to Mr. Limbaugh’s legal staff so I sent him an e-mail with the link to the letter. Maybe Mr. Kenneth Humphrey, Chairman of the Carteret County Democrat Party would be kind enough to let us know what happens. Personally I think that with Mr. Limbaugh, being the better man, may just look at the source (Mr. Kenneth Humphrey, Chairman of the Carteret County Democrat Party) and let it pass this time.

Mr. Kenneth Humphrey, Chairman of the Carteret County Democrat Party states he can fill pages with hate and racism and bigotry from conservative radio, which he calls HATE radio, but it seems that almost all of it I have seen put out by those on the left have been lies, satire or taken so far out of context that people have trouble finding where they came from. There should be a fact checker on this to keep them from embarrassing themselves. On the other hand I will not sit here and type all the racist and hate filled statements I have heard from the left. I don’t keep a list. I look at the source and disregard them.

And someone needs to let Mr. Kenneth Humphrey, Chairman of the Carteret County Democrat Party know that Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pimi County did not know what he was talking about. He was just trying cover his backside by misdirecting peoples attention from his department’s failure to do their job correctly. That and he, Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pimi County, is a anti-2nd amendment democrat.

The rest of the rant Mr. Kenneth Humphrey, Chairman of the Carteret County Democrat Party has going on I just don’t understand. It just seems to me that he, like so many on the left, are going to take this opportunity to place as many restrictions as they can on freedom of speech and conservative talk radio. What they have called for in the past is that it be mandatory for a commercial radio station to carry an equal amount of time for all points of view even if the listeners don’t want to hear the communist that are on Air America radio and even if they can‘t get a sponsor for them. And listeners have shown they don’t want to hear them because they went bankrupt. If they want to hear the socialist and Marxist view they can tune into PBS or NPR. These are the ones we are FORCED to help pay for.

So Mr. Kenneth Humphrey, Chairman of the Carteret County Democrat Party and other people on the left are going to use this tragic shooting to force an agenda no one wants and will use lies, misinformation and misdirection to do so. Shame on them.

Thomas H. Austin,
Sgt. USMC (Retired)
Member Crystal Coast TEA Party Patriots

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