Sunday, September 9, 2012

Letter to the Editor: DNC by Nancy Murdoch, CCTA Chairman

September 9, 2012


The Democratic convention in Charlotte was full of surprise, disorganization, chaos, intolerance, and vitriol. This certainly was not the Democratic Party of old. This is a party more focused on abortion on demand, paid by taxpayers, than the economic health and future of our Nation.

When candidate Obama spoke in 2008 of hope and change, is this the change we expected? A party where almost half booed God and Jerusalem? Who would have expected a delegate calling for the death of Mitt Romney? Or delegates agreeing the party platform should contain a plank restricting the amount of money a corporation can earn?

The sand sculpture of Obama says so much about those who support him. Usually we honor our heroes with marble or medal statues after they die. But admittedly, sand is appropriate for those who worship him. One delegate said she would support Obama regardless of what he wanted to do. No wonder God isn't important in their platform. They have their own Messiah.

When candidate Obama spoke of the end of red and blue states, did we think that meant we would be polarized as never before? Did we expect to see Democratic state party chairs to demagogue the opposition by comparing them to Nazis? Did we expect delegates and media pundits to ostracize and personally attack black GOP candidates? The Democrats portray themselves as the party of tolerance, but the tolerance doesn't extend to those who disagree with their leftist agenda.

It was amazing to see former military members openly support policies our country has fought wars to oppose. Our country was formed so all could have freedom. And even though we have had stumbling blocks along the way, America is the place where dreams can be realized, regardless of one's circumstances. It seems many in the Democrat party are confused as to where individual rights begin and end, and think laws should be made and enforced to uphold everyone's personal agenda, regardless of the consequences to others.

Never has an election been based on such opposing ideologies. On one side is the GOP with a platform of limited government, personal freedom and responsibility. Then we have the Democrats with as much government as we can't afford and as much regulation as executives orders can write. The differences can't be much clearer.

Nancy Murdoch
Havelock, NC

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