Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Understanding the Parental Rights Amendment

SUPPORT THIS MUCH NEEDED PARENTAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT!http://www.parentalrights.org/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC=%7BDE675888-E60A-4219-8A5E-000083244D13%7D&DE=

January 4, 2010


SECTION 1:  The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children is a fundamental right.

SECTION 2:  Neither the United States nor any state shall infringe upon this right without demonstrating that its governmental interest as applied to the person is of the highest order and not otherwise served.

SECTION 3:  No treaty may be adopted nor shall any source of international law be employed to supersede, modify, interpret, or apply to the rights guaranteed by this article.

Parental Rights: Why Now Is the Time to Act


4 Resolutions You Can Make to Preserve Parental Rights

Welcome to 2011! As this exciting year begins, many of you have made resolutions regarding how you will live differently this year. Here are four more commitments you can make to preserve parental rights in 2011 and beyond:

1. Resolve to show “The Child” to at least 20 people.
“The Child” documentary is an excellent tool for sharing the need for the Parental Rights Amendment. So gather your friends, family, congregation, or colleagues and use this film to share with them why you are so concerned about protecting the role of parents in America. (For some, 20 people might be too easy a goal – so resolve to show it to 100 or more!)

2. Resolve to call your lawmakers regularly.
America is supposed to be governed by The People through our duly-elected representatives, but too often we just vote and then leave them alone. They need to hear from you. Throughout this year, we will let you know when we need you to call your congressmen, senators, or state lawmakers to support the Parental Rights Amendment. Instead of waiting until you get the email to decide what you will do, why not resolve now to make those calls and be part of the solution? Your first call might make you nervous, but every call is empowering and important!

3. Resolve to stay plugged in.
Of course, you won’t know when to call if we can’t reach you with that email. Think about it this way: the strength of ParentalRights.org is not in the names on our petition, but in the number of calls we can generate to Congress and state legislatures. It’s not your name, but your voice that matters. So resolve now to keep getting our emails this year. Let us know of any email address changes, keep us among your safe senders, and generally help us keep you up-to-date. Then, when your congressman needs a gentle nudge – or a loud shout – you will know about it and can take action.   AND SIGN THE PETITION!

4. Resolve to support ParentalRights.org as much as you can.
Our organization has done a remarkable amount on precious little, but things are ramping up in 2011. When we push the Amendment through the U.S. House, it is going to cost us. The added attention to our mutual cause will prompt opponents to publish misinformation we will need to refute. All in all, the effort from here on is going to get more expensive, and we need your help. Even if you can give just $5 or $10 each month, resolve to help fund us so we can continue to be a resource to you in the ongoing protection of parental rights.    http://parentalrights.org/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={1BC4FCCD-7A39-4990-BE36-8FFD88003D5F}

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