Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Arizona Project Documentary

During July, 2011, a small group of people from North Carolina Tea Party groups travelled to Arizona to make a film about the illegal alien problem on our border with Mexico. Sheriff Larry Dever of Cochise County lead them on their investigation and showed them the territory.

The film crew was sponsored and led by Tea Party Patriots, Mark Hager of the Yadkin Valley Tea Party,Renee Griffith and Mike Prince, also coordinators went on this trip, and funded by donations from Tea Party Patriots and local Tea Party groups across North Carolina ― including and especially Moore Tea Citizens. Thanks go to everyone who donated to the project.

The goal of the Arizona Project is to show that the truth is the exact opposite of the Obama Administration's very false claims that "the border has never been safer than it is now." The group was escorted by Sheriff's Department Deputies as they interviewed and filmed American citizens who live and work near the b... more

How did Obama’s uncle get a valid Social Security number?

Breaking…Senator: ObamaTold Me Pass Amnesty or I’ll Leave the Borders Open!!

On June 18, 2010, Arizona Republican Senator Jon Kyl told the audience at a North Phoenix Tea Party town hall meeting that during a private, one-on-one meeting with President Obama in the Oval Office, the President told him, regarding securing the southern border with Mexico, “The problem is, . . . if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’” [Audible gasps were heard throughout the audience.] Sen. Kyl continued, “In other words, they’re holding it hostage. They don’t want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’”

Sen. Kyl also said he reminded President Obama that the President and the Congress has an obligation, a duty, to secure the border.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Update: Obama‘s ’Illegal’ Uncle Has Valid Social Security Number, License

The plot thickens in a story The Blaze first reported on Sunday. We first told you that Barack Obama’s alleged uncle was arrested last week for DUI in Framingham, MA, despite being wanted for deportation.  Now, local news is reporting that Onyango Obama — or “Uncle Omar” — has had a valid social security number for “at least” 19 years, and also a valid driver’s license.

The Boston Herald reports:

President Obama’s accused drunken-driving uncle — who was busted after a near collision with a Framingham cop — has had a valid Social Security number for at least 19 years, despite being an illegal immigrant ordered to be deported back to Kenya, the Herald has learned.

The president’s 67-year-old uncle, Obama Onyango, has had a valid Massachusetts driver’s license and Social Security number since at least 1992, said Registry of Motor Vehicles spokesman Michael Verseckes.

Onyango Obama was arrested last week and charged with DUI. “According to a police report,” The Blaze’s Madeleine Morgenstern reported on Sunday, “he rolled through a stop sign and then made a quick left turn, requiring the squad car and another vehicle to slam on their breaks to avoid hitting him.”

Friday, August 26, 2011

U.S. sued over Michelle’s secretive ‘family outing – Patriot Update

U.S. sued over Michelle’s secretive ‘family outing – Patriot Update

Come Join The ENC Tea Party for a Constitution Day Celebration!

September 17, 2011, Greenville Historic Courthouse
Greenville, NC, 10am - Noon

We will have a panel of 10 NC candidates and current representatives answering questions, and sharing their perspective on the relevance of the Constitution in Current Political Affairs.

Judge Rusty Duke will be presenting a riveting overview of God and Country and the importance of preserving and promoting The Constitution of the United States for the present and future health of our Republic.

There will be singing, raffles, and give aways.

This is a family event for Education, Celebration, and Thanksgiving for the honor we have to live in America under the rule of one of the most simple, yet comprehensive, documents every crafted--The Constitution of the United States of America!

CAGW PORKER OF THE MONTH: US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) has named Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack Porker of the Month for asserting in a television interview on August 16 that the Department of Agriculture’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, qualifies as “an economic stimulus,” explaining that “every dollar of SNAP benefits generates $1.84 in the economy in terms of economic activity.” Sec. Vilsack’s claims ignited outrage from many members of the political news media and blogosphere, several of whom compared the remarks to Senate Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) July, 2010 claim that unemployment insurance “creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative” and to White House Press Secretary Jay Carney’s August 10, 2011 statement that extending unemployment benefits will create “up to a million” jobs. “We are entering a brave new world for economics,” said CAGW President Tom Schatz. “If one takes the ludicrous analyses of prominent Democrats seriously, it is a shame that millions more Americans do not qualify for SNAP benefits. Indeed, the best course of action going forward would be to extend SNAP to all Americans, even affluent ones with huge salaries. That seems to be the administration’s pro-growth strategy.” For attempting to convince taxpayers that the road to prosperity is paved with food stamps, Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack is CAGW’s August, 2011 Porker of the Month.

Read more about the Porker of the Month.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

WALTER E. WILLIAMS: Legal Obedience


What laws are we morally obligated to obey? Help with the answer can be found in "Economic Liberty and the Constitution," a 66-page pamphlet by Jacob G. Hornberger, founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation.

Hornberger offers a hypothetical whereby Congress enacts a compulsory church attendance law that requires children to attend church service each Sunday. Parents are penalized if their children fail to comply. Would there be any moral or constitutional legitimacy to such a congressional mandate? The law would be a clear violation of one's natural, or God-given, rights to life and liberty. As to whether it would be constitutional, we have to see whether mandating church attendance is one of those enumerated powers of Congress found in Article 1, Section 8 of our Constitution. We'd find no such authority. Our anti-federalist Founding Fathers didn't trust Congress with religious liberty, so they sought to protect it with the First Amendment to explicitly deny Congress the power to mandate religious conduct. Suppose there's widespread popular support for a church-going mandate and the U.S. Supreme Court rules it constitutional; do Americans have a moral obligation to obey the law ?

You might say, "Williams, while there are gray areas in the Constitution, the U.S. Supreme Court would never brazenly rule against clear constitutional prohibitions!" That's nonsense. The first clause of Article 1, Section 10 mandates that "No State shall ... pass any ... Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts." During the Great Depression, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a Minnesota law that restricted the ability of banks to foreclose on overdue mortgages, thereby impairing contracts made between lender and borrower. To prevent this kind of contract impairment -- routinely done under the Articles of Confederation -- was precisely why the Framers added the clause.

Another, perhaps more egregious example of the Supreme Court's impairing contracts came during President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal, when the government nationalized gold and made it a felony for any American to own gold. Not only was gold ownership made illegal but it nullified all "gold clauses" in private and government contracts. Writing contracts in gold was a way people protected themselves against government theft, namely inflation. The Supreme Court upheld federal nationalization of gold and nullification of gold contracts in the famous Gold Clause Cases. Today many Americans have turned to gold, driving its price to an all-time high, as a safeguard against what they see as pending inflation. Here's my question to you: If Obama and Congress enacted a law demanding that you turn in your gold, would you be morally obligated to obey such a law?

Decent people should not obey immoral laws. What's moral and immoral can be a contentious issue, but there are some broad guides for deciding what laws and government actions are immoral. Lysander S. Spooner, one of America's great 19th-century thinkers, said no person or group of people can "authorize government to destroy or take away from men their natural rights; for natural rights are inalienable, and can no more be surrendered to government -- which is but an association of individuals -- than to a single individual." French economist/philosopher Frederic Bastiat (1801-50) gave a test for immoral government acts: "See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime." He added in his book "The Law," "When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law."

After reading Hornberger's "Economic Liberty and the Constitution," one cannot avoid the conclusion that the liberties envisioned by the nation's founders have been under siege, trivialized and nullified. Philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe explained that "no one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free." That's becoming an apt description for Americans who are oblivious to -- or ignorant of -- the liberties we've lost.

Dr. Williams is a nationally syndicated columnist, former chairman of the economics department at George Mason University, and author of More Liberty Means Less Government

Michelle Malkin: Pander-Mandate Mania!

Michelle Malkin

Hey, you know what the beleaguered American economy could really use right now? More special-interest mandates imposed by the White House on employers and taxpayers. Team Obama is "Winning the Future" by strangling it in red, green and rainbow-colored tape.

In a hapless bid to mollify minority politicians and criminal flash mobs of jobless hooligans in their districts across the country, the White House last week issued an executive order "establishing a coordinated government-wide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the federal workforce." Apparently, as record numbers of people collect food stamps and unemployment benefits, what's really eating at them isn't their hopeless dependency. It's the skin color, national origin and gender breakdown of the Nanny State drones doling out their public benefits.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

ENC Tea Party for a Constitution Day Celebration

Come Join The ENC Tea Party for a Constitution Day Celebration!

September 17, 2011, 10am - Noon
Greenville Historic Courthouse, Greenville, NC

We will have a panel of 10 NC candidates and current representatives answering questions, and sharing their perspective on the relevance of the Constitution in Current Political Affairs.

Judge Rusty Duke will be presenting a riveting overview of God and Country and the importance of preserving and promoting The Constitution of the United States for the present and future health of our Republic.

There will be singing, raffles, and give aways.

This is a family event for Education, Celebration, and Thanksgiving for the honor we have to live in America under the rule of one of the most simple, yet comprehensive, documents every crafted--The Constitution of the United States of America!


Monday, August 22, 2011

The Big Lie about the Tea Party

August 22, 2011

More and more politicians on both sides of the aisle are blaming the Tea Party for our problem – the economic crisis. Those accusers need to take out their calendars.

The economic crisis arose BEFORE the Tea Party showed up (April 2009) …and the Tea Party arose BECAUSE of the economic problems.


Rep. West: Obama's Rules Scorn Constitution

Monday, 22 Aug 2011
By David A. Patten and Ashley Martella

Conservative firebrand Rep. Allen West is castigating President Barack Obama for “shredding” the U.S. Constitution by aggressively pushing to impose his agenda through executive-branch rule-making rather than via Congress.

In an exclusive Newsmax.TV interview, West cited Homeland Security Department chief Janet Napolitano’s announcement last week that the federal government will allow illegals not charged with other crimes to remain in the country and will not deport them.

“It’s absolutely a form of amnesty, and it does go against our Constitution,” says West, who called for a congressional investigation into the administration action.

Story and video:


Speaker Visits New Bern--Town Hall at NC History Center, Friday, August19, 2011


20 Unheeded Warnings in Washington’s Farewell Address

20 Unheeded Warnings in Washington’s Farewell Address

Sunday, August 21, 2011


16 August 2011


The Craven County Board of Commissioners continued the practice of using CDBG to purchase land in James City with county funds. It then plans to sell the property at minimal cost to a non-profit organization that, through covenants conditions contained in the deed will be required to bring the dwelling up to code and make it available as a low-moderate income (LMI) family dwelling.

The county takes a great risk with taxpayer money, in that if a person who receives a free house by CDBGs is not able to meet the property tax liability and if the county forecloses in order to collect the taxes and then buys the property at auction in order to re-sell it the chance are in today’s market that the property will not bring in enough to cover the outstanding mortgage. So far the difference has been “forgiven” but this practice may not continue as state and federal budgets tighten. We hope not so maybe the County will have to stop the practice of throwing away federal or state taxpayer’s money as long as it does not cost the County anything.

The Commissioners approved a request from the Health director to add two staff members to expand Adult Primary Care to cover people who make more than twice the federal poverty level and don’t have insurance. Why should the taxpayer pay for those who choose not to take care of themselves? Well, the rational the Board used was that if not treated at the clinic, they will show up at the emergency room and get service that they can’t pay for and therefore, those with insurance or can pay will see their costs go up. Is it a given that these people have to get free health care? Or is it a given that if the federal or state government or insurance companies will pay for it that the County will not turn it down? The salaries of these two new staff members will be paid for by someone other than the county for the short term, but what about the long term? Commissioner Mark asked this question and what we heard was that the Health Director thinks they can cover the salaries indefinitely. Time will tell. The Health Director promised to come back in about a year and let the Board know how it is working out. All 7 Commissioners voted to approve this move.

At the last evening board of Commissioner’s meeting I petitioned against both these proposals and complained about the 4-day boondoggle that Commissioners Sampson and McCabe took to the west coast at the National Association of Counties. I was surprised that no member of the Board supported me in the complaint about the two board members even though it was obvious from previous Board meeting that some members took a pass on the boondoggle to save the taxpayers some money. Nancy Murdoch wrote a letter to the editor of the sun Journal on behalf of CCTA taking the two Board members to task for this, it appeared on Sunday, Aug 14, 2011.

Tyker Gonzales is really concerned about President Obama appointing a Czar (his eighty something one) to connect his administration to “Rural America.” That includes about 16% of Americans. Why does he think that federal government needs to reach its tentacles down through the state and counties to reach American families directly? He has told every agency in the federal government to support this Czar including the Treasurer and the Secretary of Defense. Weird!

Raynor and I attended The Commissioners “Retreat” or “Work Session.” I never was really clear on what they called it, but it was very informative. Some of the subjects were:

1) The Convention Center- Several options were carefully considered to correct the problems caused by the settlement of the building into the silt. The Board has asked the staff to continue to work on an option that will cost the least and will not be a permanent solution to this problem but will allow for the continued use of the facility and therefore, generate some income while the process of repair goes forward and, who knows, could fix the problem for a goodly number of years. It seems like a good direction to go to me. I have a degree in Civil Engineering and while I am no means an expert on such structures the discussion seemed well founded in engineering principals. Commissioner Tyson was especially helpful in this dialog.

2) The Board spent considerable time and effort to plan for a celebration of the County’s 300th birthday. Some of the suggestions were:

a. Cook up the world’s largest hotdog. Try for a Guinness world record.
b. Bury a “time Capsule.”
c. Develop a scrapbook and displays.
d. Display a timeline of County history.
e. Work with the History Museum on an exhibit to highlight the County’s history.
f. Highlight each city, town, and community in the County’s history.

Gwendolyn M. Bryan, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners will be the Chairperson of a committee to plan and execute this celebration.

3) Property value re-evaluations- This subject generated a great deal of discussion. Everyone, Commissioners and staff, seemed to agree that the County should not wait 8 more years to have a re-evaluation. Several board members cited complaints that citizens did not believe the last one was done fairly. They also expressed concerns that in this market of rapidly falling property values, the citizens will not be taxed fairly because the changes in property values have been different for expensive properties and more modest properties with the most expensive ones taking the worst hits. Commissioner Tyson was very insightful in this discussion. He observed that some more modest properties have actually increased in value as buyers were more likely to seek lower priced housing while waterfront and other prime properties have dropped in valued dramatically as fewer people are willing to buy them and lending institutions are more reluctant to finance them. One of the staff members pointed out that if the property values are lowered across the board, the tax rate would have to be increased. Does it never occur to some people that maybe cuts should be made in the budget and taxes simply lowered?

4) Water rates- Careful study was given this subject. There was consensus that rates should discourage the use of more water than 9,000 gal per month. So the Board is considering a scaled rate structure that will increase the costs for those customers who consume more than that. I don’t like the idea of soaking the wealthy again so that less fortunate citizens have an easier ride, but that is obviously going to happen. Some money will have to be raised to provide for switching to another aquifer and treating the water, as it will not be as pure as the present source. There is also a storage facility that must be built. The increased charges proposed seemed modest to me in light of all that.

5) Drawing district lines within Craven County for Commissioners-The districts are supposed to be drawn to have each one contain about the same number of citizens. That would be about 14,300 or so for each one now. District 1- Tom Mark has 17,300, District 2-Jeff Taylor has 18,200, District 3-Johnnie Sampson has 21,800, District 4-Scott Dacey has 14,000, District 5-Theron McCabe has 10,000, District 6-Lee K. Allen has 11,000, and District 7 Steve Tyson has 21,800. So you can see adjustments will likely be made. The Board authorized the staff to move forward with a proposal by Marshall Hurley PLLC, Attorney, to act as consultant for the county on re-drawing the districts.

County Manager, Howard Blizzard, distributed copies of the Commissioners Bylaws (I got a copy) and said that the following subjects would be taken up after Commissioners have had time to review them:

1) Commissioner’s Travel
2) Appoints (term limits, procedures revisited)
3) Agenda Preparation and Adoption (deadlines, requests for proclamations/resolutions)
4) Protocol for engaging County Attorney (associated cost)

Please attend the sessions if you can. (And wear your CCTA Badge!)

What’s Ahead?

We should continue to keep up with the activities of our Board of Commissioners. They need our support to have anything like a conservative direction in philosophy of government. Our new representatives to the North Carolina General Assembly have done an excellent job and likewise need our support, but we can trust that they will continue to take the state in a more conservative direction. Some good legislation that passed this last session are:

1) Removed cap on the number of charter schools.
2) Tort Reform for Business and Citizens. Protects against frivolous lawsuits.
3) Annexation Reform Laws.
4) Amended Environmental Laws.
5) Repealed Land Transfer Tax.
6) A business exemption for the first $50,000 in business income.
7) Medical malpractice reform.
8) Regulatory reform. Simplifies some confusing and outdated regulations. Coordinates the regulations of different state agencies.

Several of these new laws required a veto override to become law.

However, the federal government is another story. We need to ride herd on our elected representative to Washington. So I took several issues that we at CCTA are concerned about due to our conservative philosophy of government and researched how the three elected representatives from our area have done at to supporting the conservative view on them. Here are my conclusions:

1) Right to Bear Arms- All three have done well on this one.
2) The Food Safety Act- Burr and Hagan voted for it and Jones did not.
3) Increase the Debt Limit-Burr and Hagen voted yes, Jones no.
4) The Balanced Budget Amendment- Burr and Hagan against it. Jones for it.
5) Repealing Obama Care- Burr and Jones yes, Hagan no.

We need to make our voices heard by all three of these elected representatives.

The Congressional Super Committee (unconstitutional) is shaped in favor of the left (only 1 strong conservative has been appointed). We are approaching the end of the government’s fiscal year, still without a budget.

Americans for Prosperity is sponsoring a bus trip from New Bern to Washington on 4 & 5 Nov 2011. It’s called Defending the Dream Summit. The program hasn’t been set but last year’s speakers included Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, and George Will. Nancy and Don attended and said it was fantastic. I believe we can get a group rate if we have a group of from 6 to 10. Let’s try to get 2 groups. Raynor and I, Nancy and Don plan to go. Let us know if you can go. I’ve attached the information I have on it.

Hal James
CCTA Watchdog and Issues Committees Chairman

Friday, August 19, 2011

Perdue Plays Politics as Unemployment Jumps to 10.1%


Last night Governor Perdue took to the stage at a Rotary Club dinner to announce that unemployment in the state would jump to 10.9%. There are two problems with this.

1.) The report for us to analyze the numbers was not made public until 10 AM this morning- meaning we did not get to see what the report actually contained.
2.) Governor Perdue lied. She said, and it was reported, that unemployment was 10.9%, when it was really 10.1% - a HUGE difference.

So while we had to wait, she had the ability to falsely spin the numbers in her favor. Thankfully we waited until the report came out and didn’t attack her erroneous 10.9%. It doesn’t change the fact that she played politics with people’s misery and the press reported just her side of the story this morning. For the nightly news we have combated it, with this release.

Please share on Facebook and Twitter as we can’t allow her to shape this narrative:

Best Regards, Rob Lockwood

North Carolina Republican Party:  Perdue Plays Politics as Unemployment Jumps to 10.1%

For Immediate Release
Contact: Rob Lockwood: (919) 424-5555
August 19 2001

RALEIGH, NC – In a speech last night in Asheville, Governor Beverly Perdue announced that unemployment in the state would jump to 10.1%. Instead of focusing on solutions for an immediate cure, Perdue took the opportunity to mislead the audience as to the real reasons behind the jump, and chose to play the “blame game” instead. This revelation was announced on the eve of the Southern Governors’ Association’s Annual Conference about jobs, an excellent opportunity for Governor Perdue to learn what real leadership is and how to reduce unemployment from successful GOP job-creating governors.


More than 300,000 workers have lost their job since Perdue was sworn into office 3 years ago. She supported President Obama’s failed “stimulus”, a program that led to the loss of America’s “AAA Credit Rating”, and resulted in markets tumbling. Perdue’s failed economic policies, paired with her lack of objection to President Obama’s agenda, have led to the hemorrhaging of jobs in North Carolina. This morning it was reported that Bank of America will lay off more than 3,500 jobs in Charlotte. This is reflective of poor management of the national economy by President Obama, and no condemnation by Governor Perdue about how his policies have hurt North Carolina.

NCGOP Chairman Robin Hayes had this to say, “This weekend is a great opportunity for Governor Perdue to learn about leadership and effective measures to combat unemployment. 9 out of 10 of the “most pro-business” states are governed by Republicans, so she should take the time to study solutions that actually result in job creation.

It becomes clearer by the day that the Governor knows nothing about job creation. Her focus is only on protecting her own job by blaming others for years of failed Democratic policies.”


In North Carolina, the Republican-controlled NCGA has been fighting to bring fiscal sanity to the state budget. In just 8 months on the job, their dedication to fiscal discipline is one of the reasons that North Carolina was saved from losing our state’s “AAA Credit Rating.” Moody’s cited North Carolina as “resilient to a downgrade,” at a time when other states are at serious risk of losing their pristine ratings.

Paid for by the North Carolina Republican

Curious timing for pro-Obama movie (Campaign Propaganda Film!)

A movie company has approved the production of a new film depicting the Obama administration's actions leading up to the death of Osama bin Laden, but one Hollywood conservative is concerned about various aspects of the production.

According to a column in The New York Times, the Obama administration is giving Sony Pictures "top-level access to the most classified mission in history" to produce a new movie on the killing of bin Laden.

Lionel Chetwynd, an Academy Award-nominated screenwriter and conservative activist in Hollywood, suspects something is not quite right in both Tinseltown and Washington, DC.

"These people, these filmmakers have been granted access to the Under Secretary for Intelligence, and I have never heard of that; no one I know has ever heard of that," he reports. "So, that's one thing that's very troubling because he is a political appointee appointed by this administration."


Cohabitation Linked to Unstable Families

North Carolina Family Policy Council
Special Report - August 17, 2011

Children today are more likely to spend time in a cohabiting household and to suffer a myriad of negative lifetime effects as a result, than they are to experience the divorce of their parents, according to a new report released Wednesday by a team of family scholars from some of the nation’s leading educational institutions. The report, “Why Marriage Matters: 30 Conclusions from the Social Sciences (Third Edition),” is the long-awaited comprehensive summary of the latest research pointing to the importance of marriage to child wellbeing. Co-sponsored by the Center for Marriage and Families at the Institute for American Values and by the National Marriage Project (NMP) at the University of Virginia, the report is written by a team of 18 scholars chaired by W. Bradford Wilcox, director of the NMP.

The report’s major finding is that cohabitation, which it notes has increased 14-fold since 1970, has replaced divorce as the main contributor to the rising rates of family instability in the United States. In fact, by the age of 12, more children today will spend time in a cohabiting family than will experience the divorce of their parents (see figure 2 from report). While a decrease in parental divorce is certainly a good thing, the increasing rates of cohabitation, particularly for children, is not, because, as the report points out, “cohabitation is not the functional equivalent of marriage.”

“In a striking turn of events, the divorce rate for married couples with children has returned almost to the levels we saw before the divorce revolution kicked in during the 1970s. Nevertheless, family instability is on the rise for American children as a whole,” explains Professor Wilcox in a press release. “This seems in part to be because more couples are having children in cohabiting unions, which are very unstable. This report also indicates that children in cohabiting households are more likely to suffer from a range of emotional and social problems—drug use, depression, and dropping out of high school—compared to children in intact, married families.”

Among the key findings in report regarding cohabitation:

About 24 percent of all children are born to cohabiting parents, which the report notes is more than the percentage of children born to single mothers.

An additional 20 percent of children will spend some time in a cohabiting household with an unrelated adult (often because of the divorce of their parents), meaning that “more than four in 10 children are exposed to a cohabiting relationship.”

Cohabiting parents with children are more likely to break up before the child turns 12 than married parents with children (see figure 5 from the report).


Thursday, August 18, 2011

RANDY'S RIGHT: Divide and Conquer…Department of Homeland Security

The Department of Homeland Security released a new video on August 15, 2011 which depicts white Americans as terrorists. The patriotic citizen must report suspicious activity to the proper authorities to stop terrorism. Unfortunately for patriotic citizens, we are classified as terrorists by the DHS, Democrat politicians and even the vice-president.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Grassroots Alert from Joyce Krawiec

Marriage Amendment

August 17, 2011

We have been waiting and working for a very long time for a vote on a Marriage Amendment in NC. It is now time to turn up the heat. We need to make calls to legislators, email those legislators, write letters to legislators and mail to their home districts.

When speaking with legislators remember to stay positive and stay on message.

Strong majorities of Americans oppose gay marriage. Supporters of Same Sex Marriage (SSM) therefore seek to change the subject to just about anything: discrimination, benefits, homosexuality, gay rights, federalism, our sacred constitution. Our goal is simple: Shift the conversation rapidly back to marriage. Don't get sidetracked. Marriage is the issue. Marriage is what we care about. Marriage really matters. It's just common sense.


Extensive and repeated polling agrees that the single most effective message is:

"Gays and Lesbians have a right to live as they choose, they don't have the right to redefine marriage for all of us."

Language to avoid at all costs: "Ban same-sex marriage." It causes us to lose about ten percentage points in polls. Don't use it. Say we're against "redefining marriage" or in favor of "marriage as the union of husband and wife" NEVER "banning same-sex marriage."

It appears that we are safe in the Senate and we will concentrate our efforts on the House. The Legislators that we are contacting are as follows with some history on a few: I have called each one of these, more than once. I am identifying the conversation with the ones that I was able to reach.

Rep. William Brisson (Bladen and Cumberland Counties) new district will be parts of Bladen and Sampson counties also. -(910) 862-7007 - Mailing address: P.O. Box 531, Dublin, N.C. 28332 - has sponsored marriage amendment and he is an absolute must to have with us. He has indicated that he will vote "yes" but we need to make certain he doesn't cave.

Rep. James Crawford - (Granville, Vance, Person) (252) 492-0185 Mailing address: 509 College St, Oxford, N.C. 27565 -has been a primary sponsor many times. I spoke with him and he told me that he has promised the governor he wouldn't vote against her again. (he voted for 7 veto overrides) He believes in the amendment and wants to see it passed. He may reconsider his commitment to the governor. I reminded him, respectfully, that he doesn't represent the governor, he represents his NC citizens within his district.

Rep. Beverly Earle - (Mecklenburg) - (704) 333-7180 Mailing address: 312 S. Clarkson St., Charlotte, N.C. 28202

Rep. Elmer Floyd - (Cumberland) - (910) 488-6903 Mailing address: 207 Courtney St, Fayetteville, N.C. 28301

Rep. Rosa Gill - (Wake) - - (919) 821-0425 Mailing address: 2408 Foxtrot Rd, Raleigh, N.C. 27610 - I spoke with her and she didn't seem to know that marriage was not already protected. She didn't think an amendment is necessary.

Rep. Ken Goodman - (Montgomery, Richmond, Scotland, Hoke, Robeson) - (910) 997-2712 - Mailing address: 832 Williamsburg Dr, Rockingham, N.C. 28379 - I spoke with him. He said judges have not overruled the NC laws and he didn't think an amendment was necessary. He said he is libertarian enough to think that it's not the govt's business. Remind him that statutes can be thrown out by a judge, an amendment can't.

Rep. Charles Graham - (Robeson) - (910) 739-3969 - Mailing address: 479 Bee Gee Rd, Lumberton, N.C. 28358 - he is from a very socially conservative district, Lumbee Indian area.

Rep. Dewey Hill - (Brunswick, Columbus, Bladen, Robeson) - - (910) 642-6044 - Mailing address: P.O. Box 723, Whiteville, N.C. 28472 - I talked with him and he appears to be solidly in favor of. He told me he plans to vote" for". We need to make certain he stays firm and thank him also.

Rep. Marvin Lucas - (Cumberland) - - (910) 497-2733 - Mailing address: 3318 Hedgemoor Cr, Spring Lake, N.C. 28390 - has never sponsored, his position is unknown.

Rep. Frank McGuirt - (Anson, Union) - - (704) 233-4618 - Mailing address: P.O. Box 613, Wingate, N.C. 28174 - he is a new legislator, appointed to fill a vacant seat. His old district is heavily Democrat, new district is heavily Republican so he needs to feel the heat. I spoke with him and he said he believes marriage is 1 man, 1 woman, but he doesn't think we need an amendment.

Rep. Marian McLawhorn - (Pitt) - - (252) 524-3113 - Mailing address: P.O. Box 399, Grifton, N.C. 28530 - she has never sponsored, position unknown.

Rep. Annie Mobley - (Bertie, Gates, Hertford, Perquimans, Pasquotank) -
(252) 332-5463 - Mailing address: 353 South Church Rd, Ahoskie, N.C. 27910 - I spoke with her. She is a possible YES but said she has some problems with the amendment. I asked what made her uncomfortable. She asked if I would call her back next week, she was going to a meeting and would be tied up this she is, obviously, thinking.

Rep. Bill Owens - (Camden, Currituck, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Chowan, Tyrell) -
- (252) 335-0167 - Mailing address: 113 Hunters Trail East, Elizabeth City, N.C. 27909 - he has never cosponsored but indicated to me that he was leaning YES.

Rep. Garland Pierce - (Hoke, Robeson, Scotland, Richmond) - - (910) 369-2844 - Mailing address: 21981 Buie St, Wagram, N.C. 28396 - has co-sponsored 3 times. Said he is in favor of amendment but would not commit to vote for it. He is a Baptist minister.

Rep. Timothy Spear - (Chowan, Dare, Hyde, Washington, Beaufort) - - (252) 797-4481 - Mailing address: 612 Mt. Tabor Rd, Creswell, N.C. 27928 - We must have him. He said he is a solid YES, but he will be under tremendous pressure.

Rep. William Wainwright - (Craven, Lenoir, Greene) - - (252) 447-7379 - Mailing address: P.O. Box 33, Havelock, N.C. 28532 - has never sponsored and his position is unknown. He indicated that he had not made a decision and that everyone should vote their conscience.

Rep. Winkie Wilkins - (Durham, Person, Granville) - - (336) 599-7336 - Mailing address: 210 Fair Oaks Dr, Roxboro, N.C. 27574 - Indicated to me that he was leaning YES, but told someone else that he was probably NO.

Rep. Larry Womble - (Forsyth) - (336) 784-9373 - Mailing address: 1294 Salem Lake Rd, Winston Salem, N.C. 27107 - has never sponsored, position unknown. I spoke with him and he said he had not decided yet. He also said that we already had a marriage amendment. I explained that we did not.

Rep. Michael Wray - (Northampton, Vance, Warren, Halifax) - - (252) 535-3297 - Mailing address: P.O. Box 904, Gaston, N.C. 27832 - He has co-sponsored 3 times and has indicated that he is leaning YES.





Talking Points for Discussion and Letters:

NC is the only southern state that has not protected marriage in its' Constitution. Currently, our marriage statutes, that define marriage as between a man and a woman, can be overturned by a court.

Marriage is between a husband and wife. The people of [this state] do not want marriage to be anything but that. We do not want government or judges changing that definition for us today or our children tomorrow.

Marriage is uniquely beneficial to society because it is the foundation of the family and the basic building block of a civilized and productive society. Marriage benefits are overwhelming, according to all statistics. It is not merely a private contract, but a social institution of great public value to families, children, our economy and the entire state.

We all have heard the positive benefits of marriage to children: Lower poverty rates, less likely to commit suicide, less than half as likely to commit crime, less than half as likely to become pregnant out of wedlock, better development academically and socially, and the list goes on.

According to Heritage Foundation, marriage decline costs Americans $112 Billion per year. This should make marriage stability one of the most important issues facing America today.

Even if one doesn't believe the institution of marriage came down from Mt. Sinai carved in stone, we know in our hearts and minds, that marriage is the institution that defines a family and is the cornerstone for all of society.

It should be protected and nurtured.

NC Federation of Republican Women
Dena Barnes, President

Michelle Malkin: Rick Perry's Bad Medicine

August 17, 2011

Texas, we have a problem. Your GOP governor is running for president against Barack Obama. Yet, one of his most infamous acts as executive of the nation's second-largest state smacks of every worst habit of the Obama administration. And his newly crafted rationalizations for the atrocious decision are positively Clintonesque.

In February 2007, Texas Gov. Rick Perry signed a shocking executive order forcing every sixth-grade girl to submit to a three-jab regimen of the Gardasil vaccine. He also forced state health officials to make the vaccine available "free" to girls ages 9 to 18. The drug, promoted by manufacturer Merck as an effective shield against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) and genital warts, as well as cervical cancer, had only been approved by the Food and Drug Administration eight months prior to Perry's edict.

Sun Journal Letter to the Editor: Craven County Spending Excesses, by CCTA Vice Chairman, Nancy Murdoch

August 13, 2011

As a member of Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association I, with several other members, attended the Craven County Board of Commissioners’ meeting on Aug. 1.

One of the items on the agenda was a new service offered by the health department, serving the uninsured earning above 200 percent of the poverty level. By my estimation that amount would be around $40,000 per year. This is not a completely free service; fees are on a sliding scale with an example given of the patient paying about 40 percent of the fee. As of this time the cost is covered from other funds, and Public Health Director Scott Harrelson said he was confident funds would be there in the future.

As an observer of public expenditures, I believe that is not always the case. These are tight economic times, and a bad time to be adding programs and potential costs to taxpayers.

Individuals have a responsibility to provide their own health care, just as they do other necessities of life. Money is available for new cars, new clothes, new cell phones, and myriad other "unnecessary" things. Somehow health care never makes the list, and all too often the taxpayer is expected to pick up the tab.

Health insurance is available with various deductibles, but many will rely on public facilities if they are inexpensive and there for the taking.

The commissioners approved the move, with Commissioner Allen saluting the worthiness of the project.

Commissioner Allen is a fine man with a long history of dedicated public service, but he seems to have never met a public project he doesn’t love. It is been my observation that getting rid of a government program is akin to getting rid of crabgrass: a long, arduous process. Next year when the program is reviewed and is by then a budget item, will there still be funds available or will the taxpayers be expected to take up the slack?

On another vein, Mr. Hal James, a member of Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association, addressed the commissioners regarding a junket undertaken by two county commissioners to Portland, Ore., for a convention of the National Association of Counties.

We were interested in hearing about what the commissions learned that would justify this expense. Commissioner Sampson gave a response of sound bites that could have come from the website of the association, adding emphasis that belonging and attending these meetings gave them "power."

I think the power resides in the hands of the citizens, but perhaps I’m mistaken. In no way did he give a satisfactory reply to spending taxpayer money in this fashion. Travel money has been budgeted, but the other commissioners declined to go, stating it was not in the best interests of the taxpayers at this time. How many families are staying home this year due to the high price of gas and an uncertain economic future?

Members of CCTA are attempting through their watchdog efforts to keep abreast of monetary concerns in Craven County, and to educate the public on fiscal responsibility at all levels of government. We are not terrorists; we are concerned citizens.

Nancy Murdoch, CCTA Vice Chairman
Havelock, NC

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Sun Journal Letter to the Editor: A Woman's Right to Know by CCTA Member Jan Parys

August 13, 2011

Your editorial Sunday was so wrong about a woman’s right to know. You sound like the liberals claiming women’s rights are infringed upon, but in actuality the title is truthful. The act is merely knowledge and you don’t think that women should have the facts, it seems. The state of South Dakota has a three (three!) waiting period. One day or 24 hours after being given the facts about abortion is not long and should be done to protect mother and child.

Have you ever considered the rights of the most innocent and helpless human beings? The unborn are the most endangered species in our nation with about 1 million of them murdered every year.

In California I attended an abortion meeting in 1981 and learned about the acid burning the child in the womb. The young lady who sat next to me told me her sad story too. She had had three abortions and then was saved and got married. She and her husband tried to have children but couldn’t. Her doctor told her that during the last abortion part of her uterus had been sucked out with her baby so she would never be able to carry a child. She had never been warned of that possibility.

Also, we had a foster daughter whose sister had gotten pregnant twice and wanted to date but was grounded. At 14 our foster daughter’s sister got pregnant and her parents had her carry the child and give it up for adoption. At 16 when she got pregnant again she went to the guidance counselor and had a abortion. The parents found out when the teen didn’t come home from school and didn’t come home until 8 p.m. The counselor said she had to stay at the clinic until her bleeding stopped. Many parents never find out due to patient confidentiality. So there is a need for information for women regarding the child and risks.

Perhaps the scientist who could have found the cure for cancer or AIDS has been aborted. No one can say how many parents are waiting for a child to adopt but there are so many who go to China and other countries for a daughter or son. I know of several.

J.E. Parys, CCTA Member
New Bern, NC

Editor's Note:  We applaud the NC General Assembly for over riding Gov. Perdue's veto of  House Bill 854, "Abortion, A Woman's Right to Know Act"  (Senate Bill 769).  Women should be informed of ALL OF THE FACTS before taking such an irreversable action as murdering her own child and possibly preventing her the opportunity to have children at a later date.  What are liberals so afraid of?

Sun Journal Letter to the Editor: Children Conditioning? By CCTA Member Carlton Melvin

August 14, 2011

"Celebrate a Muslim Holiday" glared the title of the Mini Page of the Aug. 2 issue of the Sun Journal — a page geared primarily for children. Not a page I normally spend a lot of time reading, but this one caught my fancy.

The page reminds the youthful readers that the Islamic holiday, Ramadam, began the day before and goes on to describe the long holiday, facts about Muslims, the festival marking the end of Ramadam, fasting, traditions, denominations of Islam, Sharia law, and wrapping up with a picture depicting happy little Muslims (Mini Spy and her friends) sitting around the table celebrating this esteemed holiday.

While reading the page, I marveled at the writer’s technique in the art of "cloaking" — that is, shielding the reader from all but the goodness of Islam and the attributes of the Quran. Such technique could be otherwise defined as "conditioning" or perhaps the art of "omission" or even "brainwashing." The writer of the article, a Mohammed El Filali of the Islamic Center of Passaic County, N.J., is obviously quite proficient using this subtle technique primarily aimed at appealing to young and receptive minds.

While exposing young minds to various religious beliefs is lauded, such exposure must be closely monitored to ensure a fair and balanced mixture of objectivity which is dangerously lacking in this particular article. Responsible parental oversight would seem most approproriate in this case.

Carlton Melvin, CCTA Member
Havelock, NC

Michael Prell: Submissive Wife or Submissive President?


Editor's Note:  Michael Prell is the author of the book, "Underdogma" available from CCTA for $20.00!

During the GOP debate last Thursday, Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann was asked, “as president, would you be submissive to your husband?” Why was she asked such a question? Because, as a Christian, Mrs. Bachmann had previously espoused the belief that a wife should be submissive to her husband.

The crowd booed the question. Mrs. Bachmann was gracious in her reply.

I have some advice, should candidate Bachmann ever be asked that question again, which is likely to happen now that she has won the Iowa straw poll. (Full Disclosure: Michele Bachmann has endorsed my book Underdogma as a “must read,” but I do not work for her, nor do I declare that she “must read” my suggestions, although she is more than welcome to).

The next time Mrs. Bachmann is asked about being “submissive,” try answering:

“As president, I will not be submissive to the King of Saudi Arabia, by bowing down to him like President Obama did.”

“As president, I will not be submissive to the emperor and empress of Japan, by bowing down to them like President Obama did.”

“As president, I will not be submissive to Chinese premier Wen Jaibao, by bowing down to him like President Obama did.”


TPN: Cloudy Transparency by Charlie Earl

August 17, 2011

Secrecy is an elusive concept. Some secrets are housed deep within our individual minds and never shared with others. Actions that involve behavior are often relegated to lockboxes of secrecy because of shame or fear of embarrassment. People who seek to reform their lives and begin anew may jealously guard the secrets of their pasts. Secrets are preserved and exposed. They are devised for a number of reasons and revealed for other compelling purposes. Secrets often cause their possessors to behave in odd ways….jumpy, fidgety, defensive. Not all secrets are destructive. Some closely held information protects others from pain and suffering. Others prevent harmful elements from gaining the upper hand.

Government secrecy, especially in a republic, is another can of worms. In our Republic the power is vested in the people (in theory) so if governments withhold information, they may be guilty of hiding information from the true decision-makers and stakeholders. Most of us can agree that some secrecy is needed for national security purposes or to protect lives of undercover information gatherers in foreign locations (spies). Governments at all levels are hesitant to willingly share non-security essential information with the people. While I find the Freedom of Information Act a sometimes petty annoyance and disruptive tool of the socialists, it has prompted some incremental candor from the halls of government. Its promise however, is much greater than its effectiveness. Many governments or agencies simply stonewall when they do not wish to comply with an FOIA request. So once again we have government ignoring its own mandates although once in a while the Act allows some insight into the internal workings of Big Brother, and “We the People” have the opportunity to react to Government’s over reaching.

Another facet of government secrecy isn’t secrecy per se, but is the practice of passing legislation that is vaguely written and allowing the bureaucracies to design and implement the rules. The secrecy angle arises because as we track the legislation through the process, we have no clue regarding its ultimate application. The outcomes and impact remain unknown during the public phase of the bill, but the final resolution of the bill’s effect is constructed in the darkened corridors of the bureaucratic maze. Because bureaucrats have no restraints, the rule-making process continues onward for ever as they discover new and more restrictive mandates burrowed within the legislation….and sometimes between the lines of the bill.

The reason for my addressing this topic was the recent chain of events surrounding “Seal Team Six,” the Special Forces Command credited with dispatching Osama bin Laden. More recently, several members of the elite unit were killed when their helicopter was downed in Afghanistan. Special Forces represent the most effective military tool this country has. Since the early days of the Army Rangers, the Green Berets and the original aquatic Seal units, the Special Forces units have become the most effective and lethal small-unit fighting forces on the planet. Our general military capability is often praised as the best and most effective in the world. That may be true, but our politicians and feckless military leaders have not utilized the armed forces with any degree of competency. As a result, the U.S. record in prolonged military conflicts within the past half-century is an abysmal one. Special Forces, on the other hand, operate silently, forcefully and quickly. They represent a tactical force that strikes violently with lethal intent. As an integral component of our national defense particularly in the context of active terror groups seeking to harm us, the Special Forces and their capabilities are critical tools. So why on earth are our political leaders “outing” Seal Team Six?

Both President Obama and Vice President Biden publicly acknowledged ST6 in public statements. Obama went to Ft. Campbell to “personally” thank them, and attempted on other occasions to single them out for special mentioning. Obviously the purpose for such lavish attention being paid to a super-secret unit was to generate political capital for the Obama administration. They’ve had minimal success and sought to ride the valor of a brave group of warriors for political points. At the same time, however, they have firmly placed targets on the backs of this elite group, and have stupidly informed every crackpot and terrorist on the globe that the unit is based at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Once in a great, great while….candor and transparency are dangerous and deadly. Please look at the website for Ann Barnhardt who believes the Obama Administration is complicit in the deaths of those Seals who were killed when the helicopter went down…

It is starkly illustrative that an administration that hides so many things from the American people is so cavalier about the lives and families of our warrior class. Some secrets are worth keeping. Some secrets must be kept. As with so many actions of the Obama Administration, we aren’t certain if its stupidity, incompetence or treason that motivates them and drives them. They cannot exit the White House fast enough to satisfy me.

Carlton's Corner: The Creature from Jekyll's Island

August 17, 2011

Here’s the Banksters Ultimate Scam


This video lecture is fascinating.(especially if you don’t know much about the Fed--as most people ). Edward Griffin is a rare truth teller in today's world. Please do yourself a favor and watch it in full if you have time. Starts slow, but gets very interesting later. View it HERE

Many people have been and remain asleep (mentally) most of their lives--myself included-. until too recently. Far too many people seem so unwilling or too lazy to think for themselves that it appears they have been brainwashed by society (or/and the government) to do and believe anything they are told, Rather than make any effort to inform themselves on vital issues, people will espouse that they have no time to do so-even as they turn on the Telly to watch some inane reality show. Ironically, these are the same people ,for example, who actually believe ( and would argue ) that the FR (Federal Reserve) is a federal entity!--and even vote in complete ignorance. Ever so prone to attempt to argue topics of which they have absolutely no knowledge or understanding.

I have ,in at least 2 previous emails, referred to the FR as one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known.and is little more that an arrogant credit monopoly with dangerous power.

The sad part is that we aid and abet this monster right here in our own backyard!

Now view the video and listen to someone much smarter than me expound on the FR----and then ask yourselves--Why do we ,as citizens, continue to allow this institution to exist.? Then tell me, because I don't have a clue!

Long -but certainly of far more value than a football game segment of equal length-------

Carlton Melvin
CCTA Member
Editor's Note:  CCTA recommends reading, "The Creature from Jekyll Island", by G. Edward Griffin (5th edition) available at

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Executive Orders Threaten Representative Government and Federalism

By Rebecca DiFede – Executive orders have become a common topic in the news recently ever since Obama announced his intention to issue one that will require businesses and individuals bidding on federal contracts to reveal their political donations to the civil servants who are making the contract letting decisions. Many stand in opposition to this potential rule, but because of this power granted only to the President, it will be very difficult for Congress to overturn.

An executive order (E.O.) is a direct mandate from the President that is implemented by the Executive branch. It has the full force of law and can be enacted immediately. If that thought scares you, congratulations, you have a functioning brain.

Though this seeming carte blanche authority is not an explicit power in the Constitution, it is considered implicitly granted as an “executive power” in Article III, Section 1. It can be traced back to 1789 when President Washington gave the first ever executive order, and President Lincoln is considered to have issued the first officially numbered executive order.

To date, there are 13,581 executive orders which are used to manage operations within administration agencies, extend diplomatic immunity for international dignitaries, designate public land, set up affirmative action requirements, etc. Basically, anything the President can issue an executive order about anything that he/she decides is important and it must be honored. If it is particularly egregious, Congress or the Supreme Court could strike it down. But absent action, the executive order stands with the full weight of law.

Rebecca DiFede is a contributing editor to Americans for Limited Government.


BIG GOVERNMENT: The AFDI Threats to Freedom Index

by Pam Geller

Freedom is more embattled in America today than ever. My group, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), has begun tracking the activities of numerous active groups that are threats to freedom in the United States today on our Threats to Freedom Index. We plan to augment it periodically and publish it annually.

All Threat to Freedom groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign American Constitutional freedoms and/or lawful initiatives for American self-defense.

My colleague Robert Spencer and I compiled the list from records of Threat to Freedom group statements and activities as they appear in their own publications and websites, as well as from reports from concerned citizens and mainstream media reports.

Threat to Freedom group activities can include misrepresentation of anti-terror and other law enforcement initiatives, attempts to restrict the freedom of speech regarding Islamic jihad or other threats to freedom, defamation of freedom fighters, disinformation campaigns in the mainstream media regarding attempts by the U.S. and Israel to defend themselves, and more.

Listing as a Threat to Freedom group does not in itself imply that a listed group calls for or participates in violence or criminal activities, although it does not rule out their doing so.

Here are the first groups listed on our AFDI Threats to Freedom Index. There is more detail in my book Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.


Monday, August 15, 2011


British style rioting coming to USA

Anarchists are in training for the US Day of Rage coming to a political theatre near you. Gleeful about the raging riots that held England captive this week, the tweet has gone out to activists and ‘disaffected’ youth to “occupywallstreet#Sept17” today. Social Networks FaceBook and Twitter are abuzz with plans for coming anarchy on U.S. soil. The Days of Rage will continue beyond the ‘occupation’ of Wall Street with activists being told “bring your tent”.




ENC TEA PARTY--GREENVILLE, NC: Presents "A Time for Choosing" with Dr. Bill Kozel

"A TIME FOR CHOOSING" -- Presenter: Dr. Bill Kozel

Join us for this riveting topic springing from Reagan's speech on pursuing the American Dream.  Look at Reagan-omics, his views, and the idea that we can succeed in spite of our dismal fiscal environment.  We will visit that this indeed is the time for choosing for all Americans.

Fairfield Park and Recreation, Art Room, 800 Greenbriar Road, Kinston, NC

Monday, August 15, 2011--7:00-8:30

For more info:

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Humans Actually Helped Curb Methane Gas Increases

TPN, ALAN CARUBA: Defense-Less-As bad as the present financial crisis is, how much worse would it be if the enemies of the United States of America, emboldened by a smaller Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, decided that they could engage in military aggression against their neighbors with impunity? Or worse. With time out for conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, the former Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. has played an essential role in maintaining global peace and the safety of the sea lanes. The threat horizon, however, is always changing.

Gun crimes drop at Virginia bars and restaurants

Obama Admin Continues to Make Policy Through Waivers-- On Monday, the White House announced that it will start issuing waivers for states to avoid the onerous provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB). The White House is making states sign on to Obama education policies in order to receive a waiver, completely bypassing Congress and the normal legislative process.

As Joy Pullman noted in the Weekly Standard this past Tuesday:

The president has decided to take a tack on the largest federal education law…bypassing Congress and legislating through administrative agencies by offering states waivers in exchange for education policies he favors.


Rick Perry not a true conservative

Nevada Judge Calls ACORN 'Reprehensible,' Slaps Group With Maximum Fine for Voter Fraud

WASHINGTON EXAMINER EDITORIAL: America is owed an honest Obamacare cost estimate

Saturday, August 13, 2011

US ‘A Slave Holder Named Thomas Jefferson’: Is Smithsonian‘s New ’Race’ Exhibit Fair to Founding Father?


Which major government-funded U.S. museum currently features an exhibit that classifies Thomas Jefferson as simply “a slave holder”?

The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History currently features an exhibit titled "Race: Are We So Different?"

That would be the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, located in the heart of nation’s capital.

Developed by the American Anthropological Association, “Race: Are We So Different” offers “an unprecedented look at race and racism in the United States,” according to the Smithsonian’s website.

The Blaze visited the exhibit and found a couple of things that might surprise you.

NOTE:  For the real story of Jefferson's great contributions to our country, read "The Real Thomas Jefferson, The True Story of America's Philospher of Freedom" by Allison, Maxfield, Cook and Skousen, published by the National Center for Constitutional Studies.  The book is available from the NCCS as well as Amazon.

TEA PARTY NATION: The Fruits of John Boehner’s surrender

Judson Phillips
August 13, 2011

A couple of weeks ago a standoff caused the shut down of the Federal Aviation administration. The standoff was over the issue of subsidies to small rural airports. The GOP picked this as a pork issue and the Party of Corruption simply wanted to keep this going to buy more votes.

Of course, Boehner surrendered after two weeks, accomplishing nothing except angering about 100,000 voters.

How about these flights to nowhere?

From AP:

On some days, the pilots with Great Lakes Airlines fire up a twin-engine Beechcraft 1900 at the Ely, Nev., airport and depart for Las Vegas without a single passenger on board. And the federal government pays them to do it.

Federal statistics reviewed by The Associated Press show that in 2010, just 227 passengers flew out of Ely while the airline got $1.8 million in subsidies. The travelers paid $70 to $90 for a one-way ticket. The cost to taxpayers for each ticket: $4,107.

Ely is one of 153 rural communities where airlines get subsidies through the $200 million Essential Air Service program, and one of 13 that critics say should be eliminated from it. Some call the spending a boondoggle, but others see it as a critical financial lifeline to ensure economic stability in rural areas.

Steve Smith, executive director of the Jackson, Tenn., airport authority, also has seen empty or near empty flights take off, since the airlines get paid per flight, not per passenger. The subsidy amounted to $244 for each of the 2,514 people who flew out of Smith's airport last year, though few if any passengers knew that.

"They fly the empty plane so they can still get the money," Smith said.

Flying the plane empty so they can get the money?

Why is the government keeping this up? Jackson Tennessee is in Tennessee’s 8th Congressional District. Their Congressman, Steve Fincher, ran as one of the Tea Party candidates. Why does he keep this money coming?

Ely Nevada is the home turf of Harry Reid, Chief Thief in the Senate. We know why he keeps the subsidy flowing.

This is the kind of wasteful spending the GOP needs to be eliminating. Unfortunately, while John Boehner leads the House of Representatives that will never happen. Boehner only likes a fight so he can haul up his freshly laundered white flag of surrender.

Friday, August 12, 2011


The Iowa Presidential debate included excellent signs of progress, and some very frustrating misconceptions about the Constitution. I was amazed and pleased to hear questions about the 10th Amendment and the role of government. Several times the debate moderators asked about the Constitution in relation to certain policy issues.

Folks, this is FABULOUS NEWS!! Never before in my lifetime has the Constitution been a significant part of a Presidential debate. The media and candidates are finally discussing the proper role of Federal government in the context of Constitutional limitations. I’m grateful for the efforts of the Tea Party movement, and people like you, for getting our so-called leaders to finally start asking the right questions.

Now for the frustrating part: The questions and answers last night revealed how far we have to go. I think we’ve gotten our proverbial ship turned in the right direction, but we’ve been off course for so long that it will take a while for us to get back to where we need to be. Several of the candidates discussed the 10th Amendment, state sovereignty, and Constitutional limits on the Federal government. However, they’re answers often revealed gaps in their understanding of these issues.

Let me pick on two of my favorite people as examples: Michele Bachmann was asked if it mattered whether or not an individual mandate was implemented by the Federal or State government in relation to the 10th Amendment. She answered "No" when actually it does matter. She could have used this question as an opportunity to show her Constitutional "chops". She understands that government at any level can't impose an individual mandate to purchase health insurance, however, her answer made it seem as if she didn’t understand the primary purpose of the 10th Amendment (to limit Federal powers and defend State authority). A more informative answer would have been, “Yes it matters. The 10th Amendment prevents the Federal government from implementing an individual mandate, it does not prevent States from doing so. However, other parts of the Constitution do protect individual Americans from such a mandate, even when it is a State attempting to force Americans to buy insurance.” Again, she may knows this, but she didn’t say it.

This may seem like picking nits, but it’s not. This is a VERY important point. Especially for a candidate like Bachmann. She’s running as a Constitutionalist. Her base voters are watching for signs that she can lead by example. Educating the American people about why and how the Constitution functions is a key job requirement.

Ron Paul answered essentially the same question next. He corrected Michele, by pointing out that States have the right under the Constitution to do “bad things.” He pointed out that the 10th Amendment protects States from Federal intrusion into State matters. However, he forgot the important point that the Constitution still requires the Federal government to protect certain fundamental rights of individual Americans against violation by government, even when it’s State government committing the violation. Again, Dr. Paul may know this, but his answer didn’t reflect such knowledge. Again, this is a VERY important point.

I know that candidate debates are stressful and it’s easy to give less-than-perfect answers. I’ve been a Congressional candidate and I’ve participated in televised candidate debates. I’ve certainly given an occasional answer that could have been better. But I also know that when it came to my core values, my answers were always dead on. They flowed from truths held deeply. I believe Dr. Paul’s and Mrs. Bachmann’s answers reflect understandings of the Constitution that are better than most, but still need some work.

The good news is that both of these answers reflect a quantum leap forward in the respect for the Constitution in our national debates. The fact that these issues were discussed at all is a victory for America. However, several answers in the Iowa debate reflect how far we have to go. Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann are two of the most sincere followers of the Constitution we have in Washington. I believe that they both truly desire to restore our Constitutional Republic. Yet even they apparently have some serious gaps in their understanding of how the Constitution is supposed to work, or have a difficult time articulating that understanding.

These gaps will be corrected, as long as we elect individuals who genuinely desire to follow the Constitution. If given the chance to run the country, either Michele or Ron will apply Constitutional principles to government. In doing so, they will continue to refine their own understanding of the Constitution.

So, the question for us is this: which candidates genuinely want to follow the Constitution? This question focuses on the deepest motives of the candidates. If you know what motivates a person, you can accurately predict what they will do under any circumstances. Pick a candidate that is willing to sacrifice themselves to protect the Constitution and you will find a candidate that will restore America’s greatness. They may make mistakes, but regardless of occasional mistakes, such a candidate would make great strides in the right direction.

Before you decide who to support in the upcoming elections ask yourself: “Would this candidate lay down their life for the country?” "Would they take a bullet?" We must support the candidate that is motivated by a genuine desire to save America, and is willing to give anything to achieve that goal. This is the first qualification that our next President must have. If they are also able to speak eloquently and motivate others, that would be great too, but it’s not as important as their proper motive to lead. All other “qualifications” are secondary to proper, self-sacrificial motives.

Countless soldiers have laid down their lives, often dying terrifying deaths far from home, in order to defend America. America has no chance to survive if we can’t find one Presidential candidate that has the same attitude toward his or her duty the country.

Based on personal knowledge I’m convinced that both Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann have the motives I’ve described here. I could be wrong. I don’t agree with either of them on every subject, and Michele has at least one vote that made me question her commitment to the Constitution. However, based upon what I know about her and Ron, I’m still convinced that their motives are pure.

I don’t know enough about all the other candidates to make the same judgment. I know MANY have proven that they are not motivated to restore the Constitution. Others may be. I simply don’t know yet. Whoever you decide to support, please consider their motives as the most important of qualifications. In Liberty,

Van Irion
Co-Founder, Lead Counsel

GLENN BECK: Rumors of War II - Watch for Free!

Obviously, Glenn believes standing with Israel is extremely crucial at this moment in history. That's why he's taking money out of his own pocket to support the upcoming Restoring Courage events - he's putting his money where his mouth is. If you don’t quite understand the urgency behind standing with Israel, or you have a friend or family member who doesn't understand -- Glenn urges you to watch the original documentary Rumors of War II, now available for FREE.

Watch the documentary and get an exclusive blog from Glenn either on or watch right on Glenn's Facebook page. Watch it and PASS IT ON!

NOTE:  CCTA will be holding a viewing party for Restoring Courage,  for members and friends, at the home of our chairman, with a pot luck supper at 5:00 and viewing at 7:00 pm.  Email Lynn at if you are interested.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


August 11, 2011

The battle over the $2.4 trillion increase in the debt limit is over--for now. The compromise package that passed both houses of Congress and was signed into law by Barack Obama increased the debt limit by the full amount he requested in exchange for illusory cuts in the federal budget over ten years.

The cuts are not actual reductions in spending from one year to the next. They are reductions in planned increases in spending. That's an old Washington trick to give cover to the politicians who want to make it look like they are really doing something to cut spending when they aren't.

The first round of so-called cuts was supposed to be $1 trillion over ten years. The specifics of where those "cuts" would be made were agreed to in the compromise.

An additional $1.6 trillion in cuts were contained in the compromise but they could not agree where those cuts would be made. So they followed the time-honored tradition in Washington of setting up a special committee made up of six Republicans and six Democrats--three Senators and three Representatives from each party.

This committee has been called the "super commission" because they have extraordinary powers granted to them by Congress. If they can agree on an itemized list of cuts, it will be presented to Congress for an up or down vote--no amendments allowed and no filibuster allowed.

If the super commission does not agree, or if their proposal is rejected, then a pre-determined formula for cutting spending by $1.6 trillion will kick in. It will be $800 billion of cuts in defense spending and $800 billion in cuts to Medicare.

The politicians who put this "poison pill" in the compromise knew full well that Congress would never go along with such cuts. It was placed there to box Republicans into a double bind. The Democrats will insist that taxes must be increased in order to avoid what they will call "Draconian" cuts in defense and Medicare.

This will force Republicans to choose between the "draconian" cuts or increasing taxes.

Republicans know that raising taxes now, in this economic climate would be a disaster.

The only bright spot in the compromise is the agreement to allow a vote in both houses of Congress on a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. We can be justifiably proud of the fact that our grass roots lobbying campaign was responsible for members of Congress receiving over 250,000 faxes opposing an increase in the debt limit.

We inundated Congress with faxes causing Speaker Boehner to re-write his version of the compromise bill twice--each time making it stronger and more acceptable to conservatives.

We may not have stopped the increase in the debt limit but we did manage to help get the balanced budget amendment through in the final package.

The vote on the balance budget amendment will take place later this year, most likely in October. You will be hearing from us when that comes up for a vote and I hope every person on our roster will get involved in our grass roots lobbying campaign to get it passed through Congress.


It goes without saying that we oppose Obama for his radical left-wing agenda and for a laundry list of outrages.

But, quite apart from his ideology, Barack Obama has proven to be a colossal failure in the areas of competence and leadership.

He often seems disengaged from the crises swirling around him and more interested in the trappings and privileges of office than he is in being a leader.

You see him dancing at the White House, playing golf more than any President since Gerald Ford, taking off on expensive vacations, picking teams in basketball tournaments and more.

He is tone deaf, or just plain doesn't care, about the political implications of taking expensive vacations in the middle of a crisis.

And, when he does decide to take action on an issue, he inevitably makes the problem worse with his left wing prescriptions for every problem.

It is still a mystery why so many people ever thought that a man with zero executive experience and whose biggest deal in life was the purchase of his house, could walk right in to the Oval Office and manage the biggest and most important job in the world.

Would anyone with an ounce of brains hire a doctor, lawyer or accountant with no experience and expect them to do a great job? Would any board of directors anywhere hire an inexperienced management trainee to run the company? Of course not! But this is what happened in 2008 when the voters hired Barack Obama to be the President of the United States.

But don't count on the fact that he's been a total failure as President to guarantee that he won't get re-elected. He's got the media on his side and a powerful left wing establishment. He will be swimming in money and has a ruthless team of political pros running his campaign.


Just when you think you've seen the worst of the liberal mindset, something like this comes along and knocks you back into your chair.

At the behest of the Obama Administration Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, one of the most liberal members of the Senate, has introduced a bill called the "Consular Notification Compliance Act". The purpose of this bill was to stop the State of Texas from executing Humberto Leal, Jr., an illegal alien who had lived in the United States since he was two years old and was convicted and sentenced to death for the rape and murder of 16-year old Adria Sauceda.

The Obama Administration attempted to pressure Texas Governor Rick Perry into halting the execution. Why? Because Humbero Leal, Jr., the convicted rapist and murderer had not been given the opportunity to consult with the Mexican Consulate when he was arrested for murder.

Understand, he didn't ask to be put in contact with the Mexican Consulate. But because it turned out that he was an illegal alien, Barack Obama and the U.S. Justice Department demanded that his execution be stopped because of this technicality.

Thank goodness Governor Perry refused to stop the execution and it took place on schedule.

The problem is that it has now come out that there are 50 other cases of Mexican citizens awaiting execution in the United States and they would be protected by the Leahy bill if it passes.

This bill must be defeated at all costs. We are carefully tracking the bill's progress and will keep you informed. When the time is right for a grass roots lobbying campaign, we hope we can count on your help in defeating this bill. Stay tuned.

From the "Republican Majority Campain 2012.