Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gun Control: the BATF's Secret Plan Gets Exposed--The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms set up a nutty plan to sell weapons to drug operations in Mexico.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms set up a nutty plan to sell weapons to drug operations in Mexico. This would supposedly lead the BATF to drug lords. The plan was called "Fast and Furious." The supposed "sting" operation backfired. The BATF has been publicly embarrassed. Its director was asked to step aside Of course, the only punishment that matters to a federal agency is a budget cut. This never happens. It turns out that the BATF planners had another goal in mind: getting tighter regulations in the USA. That would have dramatically increased the BATF”s authority, leading to a budget increase. CBS News has revealed details.

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