Monday, February 18, 2013

Tea Party Patriots to Govt: Stop Squirming. Sequester!

It’s time for government to honor its promise to cut over-spending.

WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Tea Party Patriots, the nation’s largest tea party organization, called on the government to stop trying to squirm out of sequestration, and to honor its promise to cut over-spending.

“President Obama signed into law a promise to cut over-spending,” said Lynn Childs, Tea Party Chairman for Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association.  “Now the government is trying to squirm out of the deal and keep over-spending. The Tea Party Patriots and CCTA are calling on the government to stop trying to squirm out of sequestration, stop over-spending, and to honor its promises – for a change.”

The so-called “sequestration” deal, signed into law by President Obama in 2011, was to have government over-spend a little more slowly this year than it did last year. A July 2011 White House fact sheet praised the deal that gave us the sequester as “a win for the economy and budget discipline.” At the time, President Obama said it didn’t impact the middle class or working families. Now, the President calls his sequester idea “a really bad idea” that would hurt middle class and working families.

“The President and his party are trying to scare American families into letting government over-spend even more. 73% of Americans want the government to cut over-spending, while only 15% want the government to spend more,” said Childs, quoting a poll by Anderson Robbins Research and Shaw & Company Research.

“It’s time for government to stop squirming, honor the sequestration deal they created and signed, and cut government over-spending now.”

Tea Party Patriots is a national grassroots coalition with more than 3,400 locally organized chapters and more than 15 million supporters nationwide. Tea Party Patriots is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting the principles of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets. Visit Tea Party Patriots online at

For further information, please contact Lynn Childs, 252-528-0500, email

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