From and Eastern North Carolina Patriot--
This alert is going to be a judgment call on your part. You can choose to act or leave it alone, that is for you to decide. I do think the time has come for us to tell our representatives what we want and expect them to do and not just leave these direly important issues for them to get around to of their on volition.
It appears to me that our elected representatives have once again failed us on the continuing resolution they passed for the 2011 budget. The republicans don’t seem to have the backbone to stand-up to the democrats and fight it out for us. We hear the same old song and dance about being afraid to shut down the government because they will be blamed. That they are trying to stay above the fray and reach across the aisle to show they are nice guys and trying to work with the democrats and be liked. The democrats showed no similar tendencies when they were in control and rammed as much of their liberal, socialist, progressive agenda down our throats as they could. They locked the republicans out of meetings, made numerous backroom deals and did not allow them (and by extension us) to actively participate in the legislative process to accomplish their goals. They told you they won and get over it; in fact you can come along just sit in the back of the bus!
News flash for republicans; the democrats don’t like you and never will. They will only use you for their own ends. They are playing you for fools and you represent us (we the people) and we are not fools. They passed laws they did not even read! Do you forget how weak you looked…..we don’t.
It is widely acknowledged that in the past November elections that the Tea Party was a major influence in the outcome that put the republicans back in power. We the people voted you in and we will just as easily vote you out and replace you with representatives who really believe in upholding our constitution. You need to understand that the Tea Party is not about republicans. You do not have a lock on our votes. You can not marginalize or co-op our vote. If republicans and democrats want to continue the reckless and irresponsible spend and taxing spree we will replace you…..end of story. Under our constitution you work for us and you need to represent us or we will find good honest people who will.
Your voting records are being watched and recorded for reference in the next election. In the past we the people have voted their representatives in and then left you to do the job of representing us…..not any more! Washington insiders (elected officials and bureaucrats) have awoken the proverbial sleeping giant. You blew it and we are taking our beloved republic back. Try to minimize us or dismiss us at your own peril. We don’t want appeasement or watered down legislation for the sake of reaching across the isle.
Let me make this abundantly clear…..THE TIME TO FIGHT IS NOW!!!.....YOU ALREADY HAVE THE POWER!!! In our Constitution (written by much smarter men than anyone in DC today) Article 1 Section 7 states “All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.”
This means that you can stop everything the President and Senate are trying to do because you hold the purse strings NOW. We want action NOW, not in 10 years time with the potential 2 new presidents and 5 turnovers in the make up of the House of Representatives will present and change if they want to. A perfect case in point is the border fence along our countries southern border. This legislation was voted on and signed into law. The money was appropriated for it yet it was defunded and stopped by a subsequent house make-up vote while illegal's and terrorists flood over our border. This is something the American people wanted yet the elitists in DC basically told us to shut up and leave it to them to decide because we are too stupid to understand and they know better than we do what needs to be done.
We do not want the debt ceiling raised! Learn to live within your means and stop spending money you don’t have. We have to do this as responsible citizens and so do you as stewards of our tax dollars. We do not want any new taxes, we are taxed enough already! All of your tax hikes have still resulted in our country being piled under a mountain of debt that will be left to our children and grandchildren to pay for. Talk about taxation without representation! We want a balanced budget in 2012 not in 10 years. Stop all foreign aid now!
We are borrowing money to give to other countries, most of whom don’t like us (except our money) anyway. I ask you how stupid is that?
Actually I’ll tell you just to make sure you get the right answer…..very stupid.
America was and is based on Jewish-Christian principles regardless of what our supposed scholarly constitutional law president says (you know the one who was tired because he had been to 57 states
campaigning). America has been the most generous country the world has ever know in terms of monetary aid, spilt blood and sacrificed lives for the cause of freedom around the world. We have nothing to
apologize for, but in fact should be commended for our actions. But we don’t even ask for that because it has been something that we freely give to the world from our hearts, for the hope that all people can live free without tyranny.
We need to get our own financial house in order first since we now find ourselves in such disarray and then we can help others once again. Let the oil rich Arabs or the Chinese pay the way for the world for awhile as we restore our own financial stability. Of course if we (the American people) want to donate out of our own financial resources to help that is fine. Just don’t use our tax money abroad when we need it here now.
We do not expect you to be weak-kneed with getting our country back on track. Defund all the presidents’ czars and special interest programs he has created NOW. You have the power of the constitution behind you NOW. Let the president and the senate cause the government to shut down. We the people are not stupid and know it will be their fault regardless of how they or the lame stream media will try and spin it. The fact will still remain that it will be their fault.
Defend yourselves and by extension we the people by pointing out that it is their fault at press conferences and town hall meetings. Keep hammering these points home to the American people every chance you get. As Winston Churchill said; “Never give up, never, never, never give up.”
Do not touch social security at all!!! Why is it that big corporations, banks, insurance companies, mortgage companies and unions can get bailed out with trillions of our tax dollars (which we had to borrow) through stimulus bills, TARP programs etc, yet the first thing you bring up when you say we have to sacrifice and tighten our belts is social security? You used our tax dollars to bail them out, but you can not bail out (in reality pay back) the social security system you have plundered since its inception that was for the American people’s sake?
The fact is that both parties have been raiding the money in the social security program since its inception and replaced it with worthless IOU’s for various “feel good” social programs that the Constitution does not give them the authority to do and the founding fathers never intended. This money was supposed to have been invested where it would compound and earn interest so as to be there when we retired. Both parties have been stealing our money over the years which we had to pay out of each paycheck. Now the day of reckoning is upon us and you can not pay back the IOU’s, and you think we have to bear the burden for you stealing and ineptitude? Do you really wonder why the polls show such a low public approval rating for your job performance? If the money was just a free handout from the government I could see it, but it is not, it is our money you were supposed to invest for us but instead you have been misappropriating it for years.
I will be eagerly waiting for your answers and explanations for the above questions. And please don’t send me some form response thanking me for my input. I want your responses to the above points. Last Novembers elections will be nothing compared to the house cleaning that will take place in 2012.
ACTION: Send this letter to you elected representatives (house and senate). Feel free to copy and paste, add or delete parts or write your own letter, whatever is easier for you. Congress is still on Easter Break so this needs to be sent on April 29th and might I suggest everyday there after until they vote on the debt ceiling issue and the budget for 2012. We have to flood them so that they are inconvenienced and know that we are serious.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
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