Monday, December 12, 2011

Constitutional expert: Here's what 'natural born citizen' means

For those of who have studied the Constitution--we have been appalled that Obama is aloud to be office!  He IS NOT "A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN" even if he was born in Hawaii!  Be sure and click and listen to the video on the meaning of Natural Born Citizen. ~Lynn

Those who wonder about Obama need to watch this explanation. There are those who dislike Obama's policies and just want him out of office. There are those who like the socialism he's been working to install in the U.S. and probably will vote for him again. And there are those who have done some research and say the simple logic of the facts regarding Obama confirms he's not eligible under the Constitution's requirements for a person to be president. But the concept of a constitionally qualified "natural born citizen," when it's been used interchangeably with so many other words like "citizen" and "native-born citizen," remains an enigma to some. Now comes a constitutional scholar to put it in simple phrases and make it clear.

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