Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
The news about ObamaCare in the past 24 hours is truly shocking! My profound resolve to make sure the immoral and impractical ObamaCare healthcare “reform” law is struck down has grown with each new revelation!
Thousands of participants in Liberty Counsel’s focused prayer campaign are already fervently calling upon the Lord to deliver us from ObamaCare! After you read about today’s “announcements,” I feel certain you will want to lend YOUR voice to that prayer. Please read my important message on ObamaCare and its latest dictatorial “mandate” – Mat.
It’s now official. Contained in just-released Health and Human Services guidelines is yet another mandate that requires an “abortion premium” for the establishment of state health care exchanges.
According to our friends at LifeNews…
“To comply with the accounting requirement, plans will collect a $1 abortion surcharge from each premium payer… The enrollee will make two payments, $1 per month for abortion and another payment for the rest of the services covered."
As described in the rule, the surcharge can only be disclosed to the enrollee at the time of enrollment. Furthermore, insurance plans may only advertise the total cost of the premiums without disclosing that enrollees will be charged a $1 per month fee to directly subsidize abortions.”
Here’s the bottom line: All Americans were lied to by our President, who promised that ObamaCare would not enhance abortion services, nor would taxpayer money be used to fund these murderous procedures!
And you will certainly remember the President’s oh-so-sincere promise that “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.”
It turns out that, too, was a convenient “misrepresentation.”
CBO Report: ObamaCare cost estimates have doubled!
Yesterday the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its most recent projections revealing that ObamaCare’s costs will be more than double what the President promised and Congress approved – from $900 Billion to $1.76 Trillion. Analysts say the true cost will, in all likelihood, far exceed $2 Trillion over that ten-year span.
We have been saying all along that the Obama administration used accounting trickery to insure that his healthcare package came in under $1 Trillion. Now that, too, has been CONFIRMED.
Far fewer people will be able to obtain employer plans – or keep their existing plans – than was falsely promised.
Further, the CBO report disclosed the likelihood that four million people – more than four times the original estimate – will be unable to have access to healthcare services through their employers.
We must fervently pray to be delivered from the murderous, unaffordable, deceitful snares of ObamaCare!
I was taken aback yesterday when President Barak Obama, the leader who habitually shuns National Day of Prayer observances, called for a “prayer vigil” to rally public support for his cornerstone legislation.
As I said yesterday, I applaud the President’s desire to submit ObamaCare to the Lord, but I think he may be very surprised at His response!
I am requesting that ALL friends of Liberty Counsel rise up in an unprecedented wave of unity – and PRAY – not to sway public opinion – but, as Joel 1:14 declares, to “Summon the elders and all who live in the land to the house of the LORD your God, and cry out to the LORD.”
Beginning March 26th, the United States Supreme Court will hear three days of oral argument on the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Law” cases. Their deliberations will include many of the key components of Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit against ObamaCare.
The President will doubtless rally supporters outside the Supreme Court that day – but I believe that together, you and I will be joined by well over 100,000 believers – faithfully praying for every phase of the Court hearings and the deliberative period leading up to their ruling being released, probably in June.
Soon, I will be passing along specific prayer requests and key issues for which to pray effectively and fervently.
For now, let’s start with the painfully obvious: ObamaCare has now been exposed as being an engine of death for pre-born Americans. And it is destroying our precious freedom of conscience by FORCING participants to pay an “abortion premium”!
The fact that HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ new “guidelines” require insurance providers to hide the “abortion surcharge” in overall premium payments clearly demonstrates the administration’s intent to deceive pro-moral Americans.
Our commitment to pray will be recorded in a unique “Book of Remembrance.”
Our Book of Remembrance is based on the pattern described in Malachi 3:16…
“A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored his name.”
It commemorates the names of those joining a solemn assembly to petition the Lord in a time of great trouble – in fact, a time like now!
Our Book of Remembrance is the roll of a national gathering of Believers, convened on the Internet, covenanting to join in prayer in the Spirit of Joel 1:14.
It will contain the names of multiplied tens of thousands of deeply concerned Christians who will be crying, “Lord, deliver us from ObamaCare!” throughout the period of time leading up to the expected announcement of the Court’s holdings in June.
Our nation desperately needs 100,000 or more prayerful patriots to be included in Liberty Counsel’s Book of Remembrance. More than anything else, Liberty Counsel’s Book of Remembrance is a way for you to play a direct role in STOPPING ObamaCare now and for all time!
Click here to add your name to the roll of Believers who will commit to pray over the next several weeks.
When you sign our Book of Remembrance, we will send you a free bumper sticker that declares, “Lord, deliver us from ObamaCare!”
Click here to see this full-sized, high-quality vinyl product:
We are totally committed to seeking God’s Hand of deliverance!
In early May 2011, as I entered the courtroom of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals facing the Department of Justice in our case “Liberty University v. Geithner,” I was carrying our Amici Book. If you will remember, the book was filled with over 76,000 names of people who had committed to pray for us that day and throughout this process.
As I’ve shared with you before, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond ruled that the individual mandate is a “tax” under the Anti-Injunction Act (AIA), and thus the court does not have jurisdiction to rule on the merits until the “tax” is paid and a “refund” is sought by a taxpayer.
Thus, according to the appeal court’s logic, the case could not even be brought to the federal courts until the mandate becomes effective in 2014.
This ruling went against every court in America that considered ObamaCare! Every other court found that the mandate is a “penalty,” not a tax, and that the AIA does not apply.
There was never any doubt that the Supreme Court would be the final arbiter of the constitutionality of ObamaCare. Now, as I look back over these events, I CLEARLY see God’s providential Hand guiding the process and answering our prayers! And I expect nothing less than His blessing as the Supreme Court considers ObamaCare’s final disposition.
I know that God’s people were praying that day last May and throughout this long, drawn-out process. Further, I believe the Lord has uniquely prepared Liberty Counsel for this season in our nation’s history. I believe that God is bigger than all of this – and that our Fourth Circuit ruling and the DOJ’s appeal certainly didn’t take Him by surprise!
The Lord has continually honored our work and the prayers of His people. The evidence of that is quite clear!
That’s why I am once again calling upon you, to add YOUR name to the Book of Remembrance and to show your commitment to pray, “Lord, deliver us from ObamaCare!” To indicate your prayer commitment and to receive your free bumper sticker, click here:
This legal battle against the government takeover of the American healthcare system is arguably the most historic litigation ever fought in the United States federal judiciary! It is truly worthy of every American Christian’s best prayer effort.
Thank you in advance for your prayer support and continuing partnership with Liberty Counsel. May God richly bless you!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. The High Court’s ruling, expected in June, will impact every business, healthcare facility, health insurer, and, most importantly, every individual in America. Their holding will either restore several of the pillars of our Constitution that ObamaCare violates, or further extend Big Government’s reach into the lives of every American.
The Book of Remembrance is simply your commitment to pray, “Lord, deliver us from ObamaCare!” from March to June. Please pray for the Supreme Court Justices, their deliberations, and their decisions.
I pray EVERY American will pray for His will to be done in this historic case! Click here to add your name to our vital Book of Remembrance and to order your complimentary bumper sticker:
Thursday, March 15, 2012
A Message on Obamacare from the Liberty Counsel
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