Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Are All Of Our Representatives Cowards?

I do not understand the mindset of a United States Congressman or Senator, of either Party, who would so publicly and readily not only abdicate their responsibility to follow the Constitution, but sit back and without a fight or so much as a show of false indignation, allow another branch of Government to usurp their powers and render them meaningless.

Out of 535 so-called representatives, the people who are supposed to hold up our founding documents to protect the citizenry they represent, not one of them had the stones or was enough of a Patriot to stand up and proclaim the following. “Not having received any decision from the Supreme Court on the law the Congress sent them, no action would be taken on the bill until the next Court session, when the court will have a chance to further deliberate on the Bill, possibly rendering a decision. In the meantime, if any Representatives in the House wishes to take up the theoretical posturing of Chief Justice John Roberts, and actually pass a Health-care bill funded by new taxes, I’m sure it will be given the attention it deserves. Happy Fourth of July, and God Bless America.” I’ve been railing about judicial activism for years.

CONTINUED:  http://www.westernjournalism.com/are-all-of-our-representatives-cowards/

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