Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Liberty v. Tyranny – Joel M. Killion

We have it all wrong! Our modern political view of “Democrat” on the left versus “Republican” on the right is misleading because the political parties are rarely if ever principled. Likewise, the modern mismeasurement which puts communism at the extreme “left” and fascism at the extreme “right” is false because they are simply different names for similar forms of despotism – the police state.

The Founders, on the other hand, had a much more reasonable yardstick by which to gauge government. Here’s what it looked like: On the left-hand side is “Ruler’s Law” (a.k.a. tyranny, where there is too much government, too much political oppression, too much control), on the right-hand side is “No Law” (a.k.a. anarchy, where there is no government, no law, no control), and then, directly between the two is the balanced center or “medium point” of “People’s Law,” (a.k.a. “Common Law”) where Liberty is a reality through a Constitutional, Republican system of self-government. The first Justice of the Supreme Court, James Iredell, commented on this scale when he said, “There are two extremes equally dangerous to liberty. These are tyranny and anarchy. The medium between these two is the true government to protect the people…this Constitution is well calculated to guard against both these extremes.”

Under “Ruler’s Law,” the people are not equal but are divided into social and economic classes, where the thrust of government power is from the ruler down and not from the people upward, where government has the ever-growing power to give or remove the God-given rights of the people, and where rule is determined by the whimsical edicts of men rather than the fixed rule of law. In addition, with a centralized government, freedom is never considered a solution to anything, while problems are always solved by issuing new edicts, creating more bureaus, appointing more administrators, and charging the people more taxes to pay for these “services”; plus, those in power revel in luxury while the common people are enslaved by perpetual poverty, excessive taxation, stringent regulations, and a continuous existence of misery. Sound familiar?

CONTINUED:  http://wilsonncteaparty.wordpress.com/2012/07/09/liberty-v-tyranny/

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