Saturday, July 21, 2012

What each of us can do to defeat Obama

July 19, 2012
By Kevin "Coach" Collins

Imagine sitting at your kitchen table with a group of family and friends trying to figure out what you can do to save yourselves from an enemy who is coming your way from just two towns over. Wouldn't you do ANYTHING you could to save yourself and your family? What would you do; what would you give from what you had left to defeat an approaching enemy? Would you hold back ANYTHING? VOTING IS NOT ENOUGH!

There's no one in our country that can't do something.

Here are some suggestions of how to fight back.

  1. Set up a table wherever you can. Get voter registration forms and get like-minded people to fill them out. If someone wants to register as a Democrat hand the form back - this is no time to "play nice."
  2. Stores with enemy signs should be boycotted. Don't patronize people who want to enslave us. Ask store owners to place signs in their windows. Ask doctors to put signs in their offices; 4 of 5 say they might consider quitting if the enemy wins.
  3. Take a very close look at your finances and decide what you can give, not IF you can give. If the enemy wins your money won't be yours anyway.
  4. If you can put just $100.00 together type up a fact sheet - cram the facts on the top half and repeat them below and get your sheet photocopied. Then cut the sheets in half to double the yield. Include contact info on each piece. HAND THEM OUT in public places. Distribute them outside churches on Sunday. Too shy to do this? Think about how the enemy will destroy your life then decide if you are too shy to hand the facts to a stranger..
  5. Buy and maintain a truth telling website. They are cheaper than you think.
  6. Get on twitter and facebook and start telling the truth, "Oh I can't do that, I'm afraid of computers" you say? Are you more afraid of computers than of our enemy? Are you so comfortable being shy that won't stand up and fight?
  7. Get yourself to a campaign headquarters and volunteer.
  8. Make large signs, then stand and show them on busy intersections telling people the truth.

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