Monday, August 5, 2013

Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment—August 6, 2013

Impeach Obama:

Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment—August 6, 2013

On August 6 there will be a rally to call for the impeachment of The Arrogant One.  Yep, we know that it’s not likely to happen.  But we want to send a message to other people that they are not alone, and perhaps give a few more people the courage to stand up for their liberty. 

PLACE:  The “overpass” in James City.  It’s actually supposed to be a way to get across Hwy. 70 but is rarely used.

TIME:  7:30 am and 5:30 pm.  Each event will last about an hour.  Those times were selected for the best coverage.  People are going are coming from work.

Are you going to scream at the TV and grouse to your spouse or will you get off your couch and actually do something for a change? 

MAKE A SIGN AND COME JOIN US.  Let’s fill that overpass with patriots and free Americans.

Willing to stand,
Nancy Murdoch

This is not a sponsored CCTA event. This is a grassroots effort to speak without fear.

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