Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New EPA rules mean 1.4 million fewer jobs, higher electric bills

The Washington Times, July 11, 2011

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Wednesday finalized “cross-state air pollution” regulations designed to drive coal-plant operators out of business. This noxious rule will choke job creation and ensure that consumers are stricken with higher utility bills every time they switch on the mercury-filled curlicue light bulbs they also will be forced to buy.

Beginning Jan. 1, industrial facilities in 28 Eastern and Central states will be subject to draconian restrictions on emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, pollutants that potentially can cross borders. It’s all being done in the name of promoting health, but an overzealous and unaccountable bureaucracy is ignoring the devastating toll on the economy’s wellness.

Coal plants will be forced to install new scrubber equipment that provides marginal improvement in air quality at tremendous expense. This cost will be passed along to the consumer in the form of higher electricity costs. NERA Economic Consulting studied the impact of a pair of EPA rules affecting coal and estimated the extra cost would total $184 billion through the year 2030. This includes $72 billion in capital costs that coal companies will have to pay right now to comply. Electric bills will jump 12 percent by 2016 with areas such as Kentucky and Tennessee seeing a 24 percent increase. Employment will drop by a net 1.4 million jobs.

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