Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sun Journal Letter to the Editor: CCTA Member Louis Call

We are not ‘subjects’

The Declaration of Independence says, “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them …”

Two hundred and thirty five years have passed since the Declaration was written and yet today we live under a suppressive government that has turned its back on the American people calling for a renewal of not just the Declaration of Independence but our Constitution as well.

While these words were written referring to King George III, see how they compare with Obama’s governing today.

Obama’s Justice Department is suing the state of Arizona for its passage of SB-1070 and threatened Texas to halt passage of a Transportation Security Administration anti-groping law.

Obamacare provides for an additional 10,000 more Internal Revenue Service agents. Homeland Security is now searching people at train stations, bus stations, shopping malls and sporting events, and vans with special X-ray technology are peering inside our vehicles and homes.

Obama is planning an end run around our 2nd Amendment by signing on to the U.N. Small Arms Treaty, thereby bypassing Congress. The war in Libya was begun under the authority of the United Nations and without the assent of Congress. Our ruler has decided that Libya does not constitute a war; Congress need not respond.

There is much more to be written on this subject but there is something you, the reader, should never forget. The authority to govern comes from you and I; not by any government. By the grace of God we were given this entitlement of freedom. Let us not become the subjects of the Obama administration but continue to raise our voices against its tyranny.

Our weapons of choice are our computers, telephones and faxes and our goal should be to secure our future liberties for our children and grandchildren.

Louis Call, CCTA
River Bend, NC

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