Thursday, September 29, 2011

Letter to the Editor: Where do you stand? by CCTA Member, Lou Call

September 23, 2011 6:05 PM

Our Dear Leader in Washington, along with his minions, has decided that it’s not just enough to blame our current problems on George Bush and “bad luck.” They, the Socialist arm of our government as well as the president, have decided that the Tea Party is also to blame for some of our ills, which brings me to the subject of this letter.

To start with, “You might be a Tea Party Terrorist” ... if you believe in the Constitution of our nation. That means that you support free speech over political correctness, you believe that every American has the right to privacy and that everyone has the right to the defense of themselves, their family and property. You support a document that has guided our country and provided for your freedoms for over 235 years.

“You might be a Tea Party Terrorist” ... if you believe in the sovereignty of this great nation. In simple terms that means that you support our right to govern ourselves free of the machinations of the United Nations. That the power and the authority to govern our nation comes from you and me; not a world political body. That there is a reason for States Rights to exist.

“You might be a Tea Party Terrorist” ... if you believe that big government regulations have stifled businesses and destroyed self initiative. That a government big enough to give you everything you ask for is big enough to take everything away.

“You might be a Tea Party Terrorist” ... if you get a lump in your throat when you recite our Pledge of Allegiance or hear the playing of our national anthem. Upon hearing or speaking those words, you remember the sacrifice made by so many so that I may sit here and pen these words and that you are free to read them ... then you are more than the total sum of all Republications and Democrats combined ... you are an American.

When Obama compromises our Constitution and overburdens us with Big Government, when he acquiesces to a U.N. Small Arms Treaty that will do an end-run around our Second Amendment, he compromises your freedoms.

And when we pledge our allegiance, there is no doubt where we stand!

The question is, where do you stand?

Louis Call, CCTA
New Bern

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