Thursday, January 12, 2012

Federal Appeals Court Tells Voters Their Votes Don’t Matter Anymore

Federal Appeals Court Tells Voters Their Votes Don’t Matter Anymore

One of the most basic principles of freedom in America is the right to vote and to have your vote count. Thousands of lives have been lost and many more maimed to give us that freedom and to protect it. Millions of people in other nations would love to have the right to vote on matters that would affect their lives. To so many people worldwide, there is almost nothing more precious than the freedom to vote.

However, here in America, we are seeing a frightening trend where a court consisting of just one judge to as many as nine judges in the Supreme Court that take it upon themselves to tell American voters that their votes don’t count.

I recall a measure some years back where nearly 75% of voters in a southwestern state voted in favor of an English only bill. The bill was intended to save the state, county and city governments as well as employers thousands of dollars by not having to print everything in English and Spanish. It only took one liberal judge to declare the bill unconstitutional, thus telling the majority of the voters in that state that their votes didn’t matter.

There have been similar cases over the years and now we have another instance where the judicial system is telling Oklahoma voters that their votes don’t matter.

In 2010, 70% of Oklahoma voters voted in favor of State Question 755. SQ 755 was an amendment to the state constitution that barred courts from looking to the laws of other nations, especially Sharia laws when making their rulings in cases before them. The exact wording in the measure is, “Specifically, the courts shall not consider international law or Sharia law.”

Sponsor of the bill, State Senator Anthony Sykes explained that the goal of the measure was intended to restrict judges in Oklahoma to apply only US and state laws when they render their decisions. This also meant that judges were not to turn to any laws, including religious laws from other nations.

Read more: Federal Appeals Court Tells Voters Their Votes Don’t Matter Anymore

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