Saturday, January 14, 2012

TPN--JUDSON PHILLIPS: Which Presidential candidate actually supported the Tea Party movement?

Tea Party support is something all of the candidates in the GOP primary want. Of course they do. This movement represents the heart and soul of conservatism in America and none of them are going to win without it.

Which Presidential candidate actually supported the Tea Party when he was not running? The answer will surprise you.

Ron Paul’s supporters, especially the more obnoxious one’s like to claim that Ron Paul is the father of the Tea Party movement.

The basis for their claims is that in December 2007, Ron Paul had a fundraiser and he called it a “Tea Party.”

On February 18th, 2009, Rick Santelli of CNBC lit the fire for what would become the Tea Party with his famous rant from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile. Within a couple of days activists from across the country were planning the first Tea Party Rallies.

Neither Ron Paul nor his supporters had anything to do with the planning of those rallies.

How do I know?

It is simple. I was a part of the planning. We who were planning those rallies met almost nightly for conference calls. People who were on those calls have become some of the leading figures of this movement. Amy Kremer was on there, as was Eric Odom, Mike Leahy, activists who formed the Dallas and St. Louis Tea Parties and some others throughout the country.

Ron Paul did not support nor did he appear at any of those rallies.

After February 2009, we began planning the Tax Day Tea Party rallies, which would define this movement.

Where was Ron Paul? Again nowhere.

But there was one politician who stepped up and was willing to help the Tea Party movement. He was not running for office at the time and all he did was ask what he could do.

He did not try to take control of the movement nor did he try to use it for his own benefit.

Who was this person?

It was Newt Gingrich.


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