Monday, July 22, 2013

How Democrats and Unions Destroyed Detroit

This is what liberals will do to America.

Check it out:
Light years seem to have passed between Detroit’s June 17, 2013, bankruptcy filing and the warning issued by the city’s newly elected Mayor Coleman Young in his 1974 inaugural address.
“It is time to leave Detroit. Hit Eight Mile Road. And I don’t give a damn if they are black or white, if they wear Superfly suits or blue uniforms with silver badges. Hit the road,” he said.
To the first African-American mayor of a major U.S. city, equating the police with criminals was a way of telling his overwhelmingly black constituency that he understood their concerns about police brutality and civil rights.
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To the city’s white residents, it was a message that he placed those concerns above public safety and civil order. White flight, which began in the late ’60s, accelerated.
In 1970, Detroit’s population was 1.5 million. Forty-four percent was African-American, 54 percent was white. By 1990, the city’s population had fallen to slightly more than 1 million, with African-Americans accounting for 78 percent and whites only 20 percent.

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