Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NTU: The Taxpayer's Tab, November 29, 2011

In Case You Missed It

Last week, the National Taxpayers Union Foundation released the most comprehensive and up-to-date research on what the so-called “Super Committee” could implement in the final hours of deliberation. The failure of the committee will result in automatic spending cuts for both discretionary and mandatory spending programs. However, Congress could still act to achieve the $1.2 trillion in spending cuts and savings by consulting NTUF’s BillTally savings list. In fact, not only would Congress reach the target savings figure but an additional $300 billion in HALF the required time. The BillTally program measures proposed changes in federal spending using a five budget year window, rather than the ten year window used by the Super Committee.

Most Expensive Bill of the Week:  The Bill: S. 1321, Practical Energy Plan Act of 2011, Annualized Cost: $1.4 billion ($6.8 billion over five years)

DETAILS AND MORE:  http://action.ntu.org/site/MessageViewer?dlv_id=12221&em_id=9202.0

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