Tuesday, November 29, 2011

SUNJOURNAL NEW BERN: Letter to the Editor--Suggestion for OWS by CCTA Treasurer, Gary Lindsey

Suggestion for OWS

November 28, 2011

Since Occupy Wall Street by most reports does not have a specific agenda, I offer my suggestion: You need to focus your attention on the real culprit of the unfairness of the money distribution.

Instead of going after the banks and corporations that benefited from the bailouts, go protest the Federal Reserve Bank that made this possible. The money to bail out these banks and corporations was created out of nothing of value by the Federal Reserve Bank. They are the real concern you should have. It is the FEDERAL RESERVE that controls what BOA and the other banks, companies, and yes even politicians, can do that influence our day-to-day ability to live a decent life.

With the SJ’s new limit on words, I do not have the necessary space to educate everyone through the letters to the editor on how the Federal Reserve creates money and influences every aspect of our daily lives.

However, I have already given a speech and would be willing to make a free presentation to any group that would want to be enlightened on the subject. To SJ, if anyone inquires please pass along my address and phone number provided to you.

Gary Lindsey, CCTA Treasurer
New Bern, NC


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