Saturday, August 25, 2012

Imagine How America Can Look on November 7

As We the People prepare to vote in what may be the most vital election in our history, it is well that we be reminded of the huge stakes involved, and, most importantly, what we CAN DO by acting responsibly in the privacy of the voting booth.  Imagine, a president who has a passionate love for the history, tradition, and values of America, including blemishes and frailties, and is completely dedicated to preservation of our culture and values. Imagine, a president who respects the rule of law, the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the separation of powers under our form of self- rule. Imagine, a president loathe to apologize for American values, religion, or leaders while on foreign soil.

  • Imagine, a president who really believes in the Exceptionalism of America’s people, Constitution, and culture.
  • Imagine a president NOT so arrogant and delusional as to believe that he is capable of, and should, “fundamentally transform” the greatest nation in human history.
  • Imagine, a president who respects the fact that we are a nation of laws, including those which significantly limit his powers and ability to act unilaterally.
  • Imagine, a president who believes in free-market capitalism, private enterprise, and the capabilities of individual Americans, when free from excessive government regulations, bureaucrats, and tax burdens.
  • Imagine, a president who understands that only private enterprise creates and sustains good-paying jobs, and then only when government is kept at bay.
  • Imagine, a president who believes that, “You CAN Build That!”

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