Monday, July 15, 2013



1. The meeting was opened by Mayor Bettis. Alderman Bucher offered the opening prayer. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

2. All members of the Board, the City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk were present.

Agenda item 3. Request and Petition of Citizens.

a. Mayor Bettis announced that the first petitioner was Audrey Fields who was to speak on community issues. She resides on College Way. She asked for those in the audience who were present to support the issue regarding Mr. James Henry Brown to stand. She explained that he recently celebrated his 102nd birthday. She said he may not be the oldest to live in either the city or Craven County, but she and his/her supporters felt his long life was very worthy of "a city proclamation to honor his longevity". She said she and her group were prepared to accept a denial of the proclamation until they found out that there had been a proclamation awarded to someone who trains dogs. "What makes that person more viable to receive a proclamation than someone who has lived to be 102 years old?", she asked. Mayor Bettis asked her who denied it? At that point and after Alderman Taylor prompted her to do so twice, Ms. Fields yielded the podium to Alderman Taylor. He stated that he gave the city clerk two proclamations: one to be approved & signed for Mr. Brown and one on behalf of Ms. Valentina Wilson (an anchor for WCTI-TV Ch12). Ms. Wilson's proclamation was to recognize her work in staging a teen fashion show, for which over 200 people attended, and providing mentoring to teens utilizing a fashion venue. Mr. Taylor said that he turned one in to the clerk 3 weeks prior to the event and turned the other in one week prior to the event. Mr. Taylor said he was informed on aFriday before the event that the Mayor denied the proclamation. Mayor Bettis dismissed Ald Taylor from the podium saying "no, that was your 4 minutes" to speak. Mayor Bettis addressed Ms. Fields, saying, "Audrey, in answer to your question, come see me after, no one ever asked me". Alderman Taylor continues to protest, the mayor gavels him and demands for him "to sit down"; which eventually happens as Alderman Taylor walks up to the dais still protesting that the lack of proclamations is not equal rights and justice and is an unfair and unjust act.

b. The second petitioner is Stevie Bennett of National Ave. She states that she up there often to ask questions and that she will continue to come up to ask questions until she receives the answers in a complete and timely manner. She asks numerous questions about the city's Branding Program. Some of the questions were: what were the criteria for deciding upon North Star; what were the various branding committees' meetings dates, were their recorded minutes, who was on those committees, who was in attendance at each of these meetings; how many meetings did Aldermen Bengel, Taylor & Bucher attend; what groups were in partnership with the City for branding, how much money have thesse groups contributed; was Craven County asked to contribute, if not - why not, or did they refuse? She also asked for the list of names and organizations that evaluated the any and all bid responders along with the names & addresses of the companies that submitted bids, a copy of the original Request for Proposal along with its issue date and its submission timeline. In finality, she asks "why are the taxpayers kept in the dark about this branding program? This information should be on the city website and the PEG TV channel. There is no transparency from this Board when it comes to the Branding Program." This is at least her third time to ask many of these same questions about the Branding Program. In other words, the city officials are not answering for whatever reason. Ms. Bennett continued by reminding the Board that she had also asked some of her Branding Program questions, in addition to others, at the June 11, 2013 Board meeting Petition of Citizens agenda item.

As of tonight she has not received answers to four of her questions. Diadre can only relay answers that she receives from the various departments, Ms. Bennett says. She asks how long will it take to get the answers? So far the responses I have received are less than satisfactory. She said, "the Petitions are only this administration's mere attempt to answer the citizens with as little information as possible. I want questions to be answered completely and in a timely fashion". Mayor Bettis asks her, "does that have all the bullet points on it that you wanted answered?" (referring to the paper she is reading from). She replies, "I already gave a copy to Diadre".

Agenda item 4. Adopt Resolution Calling for Public Hearing on Proposed Renaming of the 700 Block of A Street and B Street. "(Ward 1)  The western portion of A Street and B Street are completely separated from other sections of the respective streets by railroads. Because of this, the western portions of the streets are unreachable from National Avenue during emergencies. Safety concerns have been raised by emergency personnel as it relates to dispatching in a timely manner to these addresses. Therefore, it's proposed that the 700-blocks of both A Street and B Street be renamed to "West A Street" and "West B Street"." Approved by unanimous "yes" vote.

Agenda items 5 through 8 pertained to voting on ordinances to demolish various dwellings that did not meet minimum housing code subsequent to the appropriate legal procedures being executed. The addresses are 1230 Cedar Street (Ward 2), 1710 Wilmington Street (Ward 5), 202 Poplar Street (Ward 5), and 809 Lees Avenue (Ward 1). 

Agenda item 5. Adopt Ordinance for the Demolition of the Dwelling Located at 1230 Cedar Street. "(Ward 2) The owner of this property was first notified of minimum housing violations in September 2007. Since that notification, the property has changed ownership two additional times. A final hearing was held in April 2013, and the current owner was provided notice of such, but was not present at the hearing. No substantial progress has been made between 2007 and 2013 to bring the property into compliance, including no requests for permits since the recent hearing in April." 

Alderman Taylor asks Development Services Dept Dir Jeff Ruggieri if effort was made to get up with the owners via mail. Mr. Ruggieri answered "yes, we sent certified mails out. The City ensures we go above and beyond what's required for noticing. Alderman Bengel asks Mr. Ruggieri if that means that he did not have a good address to reach the owners". Mr. Ruggieri replied "yes". Approved by unanimous "yes" vote.

Agenda item 6. Adopt Ordinance for the Demolition of the Dwelling Located at 1710 Wilmington Street. "(Ward 5) The owner of this property was first notified of minimum housing violations in November 2007. Hearings between the City and property owner were held in July of 2007 and April 2013. In December 2011, the property was affected by fire which made rehabilitation unlikely. No progress has been made to bring the property into compliance." Alderman White asked Mr. Ruggieri is a chance was offered for someone to buy this dwelling at auction or to fix it?" Mr. Ruggieri replied, "No, the city is not the interface for negotiations with private property owners". Alderman White states, "It seems we're gettin' in the demo business, so where's the money coming from?" Mr. Ruggieri explains that there is a line item in the Board-approved budget. City Manager Epperson chimes in that we are trying to identify these properties so we can fulfill the directions from the Board to remove these dwellings that have become public nuisances. At about $10,000 per house, we have included up to $100,000 for removal of these below minimum-standards houses after staff has exhausted all means to get the owner to correct the situation. We have earmarked between $70,000 to $100,000 per year now from the Development Services Dept for demolitions per the Board's direction. Alderman White comments, "so we gonna tear 'em down? Why is it one house can remain for 24 or 25 years, then you look at one being demolished after only 2 to 3 years?" Mr. Epperson replies that whenever he sees any dwellings that he has questions about to be sure and contact him and he will see about it for him; but we are going through all means prior to issuing a demo order. He begins to voice the motion when Alderman Outlaw asks Mr. Ruggieri if the city is going to tear down the garage in back that goes with it, also? The answer was "yes". Approved by unanimous "yes" vote.

Agenda item 7. Adopt Ordinance for the Demolition of the Dwelling Located at 202 Poplar Street. "(Ward 5) The owner of this property was first notified of minimum housing violations in February 2010. A hearing was held between the City and owner in February 2011. Following this hearing, the owner filed for a building permit in March 2011 to make the necessary repairs to bring the property into compliance. That permit subsequently expired with minimal work completed. In July 2012, a second hearing was held to which the property owner was not present. To date, no progress has been made and no other permits have been applied for." City Manager Epperson states there have been recent conversations with the owners of this property, so he recommends tabling this item out of an overabundance of caution. Alderman Taylor says he heard that the owner did not know about this - he certainly doesn't want to demo it when an owner isn't aware of what is about to happen. They have further discussion as to who is the owner of record. (I am choosing not to mention his name). Once that issue is satisfied, the vote is for approval with a unanimous "yes".

Agenda Item 8. Adopt Ordinance for the Demolition of the Dwelling Located at 809 Lees Avenue. "(Ward 1) This property was flooded during Hurricane Irene and sustained damage in excess of 50% of the value of the property. The property will have to be elevated out of the floodplain to meet current flood regulations. A hearing was held on February 14, 2013 to which the property owner was not present. To date, no progress has been made and no permits have been applied for." Mr. Ruggieri reports that to adequately repair this dwelling to bring it up to code it would take greater than 50% of it's value and the city would then have the cost to elevate it as it is in a flood plain. Alderman White asks him, "Have you been inside the apartments...?" Alderman Bucher interjects that he looked at it with Pastor Strayhorn. He continues, you can tell that alot of drug activity has gone on, it's deplorable inside. Alderman Bengel says this property/dwelling has the same owner and issues of the property that they talked about earlier, and is in the same awful condition as the previous ones. Approved by unanimous "yes".

Agenda item 9. Adopt Resolution to Close Carmer Street for Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church Family Fun Day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on July 20, 2013. "(Ward 2) Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church has requested Carmer Street be closed to vehicular traffic on July 20, 2013 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.for the church's Family Fun Day. This event will include games for the children and food, and the day's events will be held in the church parking lots." Alderman Taylor says the 102 year old Mr. Brown is a member of this church. Approved by unanimous "yes" vote. Agenda item

10. Minutes from the June 11, 2013 Board meeting were approved.

Agenda item 11. Appointment(s). Alderman White recommends Kim George be appointed to replace Lois Jamison's term on the Police Civil Service Board, which expired on July 1, 2013. .

12. There was no Attorney's Report.

13. City Manager's Report. Mr.... Epperson reminded the Board members that he sent them an email that announced that on July 15, 2013 @6 PM at the Convention Center, there will be an update given for the Craven County Economic Development Plan. They are close to completing that plan. He said that the contractor, RKG Associates, would be in attendance. He reminded the Board that next Tuesday, July 16, 2013, at 6PM, there is to be a Board work session. So far, he has 3 items on the agenda: (1) the ISO Fire insurance ratings; a rep from the Dept of Insurance will be present to talk about it; (2) a brief update on economic development pertaining to the US Hwy70, Township 7 corridor; and, (3) a dog & pony demo at the new Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at 521 Hwy 55 on July 16th at 6 PM. Mr. Epperson then stated there needed to be a motion for this meeting. 

Alderman Bengel asked if it could be filmed for City3TV, could someone bring a camera? Mr. Epperson said he would see if it could be broadcast live as that was one of the improvements that were made to the EOC. Approved by a unanimous "yes" vote.

14. Announcements.

a. Ald Outlaw: Alderman Outlaw asked to also add the city Branding Campaign to the agenda. He said that this is one of the issues that the Board has been in the most agreement on. He said that as long as he's lived here (since 1968) people have asked why the young people were not able to find employment in New Bern after high school and even college graduation. He felt the Branding program would address that problem. He further stated that the Branding Campaign gives New Bern and Craven County the opportunity to lead in new marketing and promotion opportunities for the entire area. He asked for the public to "bear with us until branding gets here and the final results are presented" (Reporter's comment: reminds me of Nancy Pelosi's remark that we have to pass Obamacare before we can know what's in it). He totally supports the idea. He says New Bern is being progressive like Greenville in doing the branding program. (Reporter's note: G'ville has a population of 86,000; a tax rate of 52-cents p/hundred); the city taxpayers are only out $60K because the G'Ville/Pitt Cty Convention & Visitors' Authority are contributing funds & occupancy taxes equaling $30K. I've interviewed 2 of their points of contact, the G'ville PIO & the CVA rep. New Bern taxpayers have already spent $92K and the city manager has asked for $75K more, but is not able to specifically state what for as of this date.).

b. Ald White: He adds to Ald Outlaw's remarks on branding New Bern. We need jobs for youth to come back to, he begins. "When youth graduate they don't come back...'cause they can't find a job. We need young people around to keep the city afloat and keep the young people here. Most people here that had children here, the children are not here." He says that he best be quiet, this is the most he's talked in a while. Mayor Bettis encourages him by saying, "...go ahead, fillibuster". So Ald White continues, "A town for old people is good - and I can say it 'cause I'm there. (much laughter in the room) These people runnin' around with the big heads, speakin' their mind (he then admits that he is known for speaking his opinion at times also) aren't helpin' the people you need to help, they're ruinin' (ruining) it for the youth. You got to have it in your heart to want the City to grow". (Reporter's comments: Did he just call Stevie Bennett in particular, and others in the community - such as myself, those who have written Letters to the Sun Journal Editor - who have called the Branding Campaign into question and/or requested public information an unattractive name of "big headed for speakin' their minds?" What?? Last time I looked, one of this country's founding principles was for the people to have the right to question their government, especially about what is being done with their taxes. It is my opinion, based solely on this remark, this man should not be holding and never be allowed to hold public office again!). Ald White's last statement was a request, "I want to see summer coop programs - a substantial amount - to come (to New Bern) to put money in their (the youth) pockets and get jobs for 'em. That'll cut down on crime, too".

c. Ald Kinsey: Addressing the branding campaign and economic development in the city in general, he says, "I like the direction we're heading in." He continues, talking about his appointment to the board for the metropollitan Planning Organization (MPO) and claims it will take New Bern far ahead and be an excellent tool to promote the area.

d. Ald Bucher - No announcements.

e. Ald Taylor: He continues his protests about the mayor not approving the proclamations for Mr. Brown and Valentina Wilson. He commended the committee for putting on the James City Fun Day last weekend. He thanked Dir of Parks & Recreation, Thurman Hardison, about a meeting in Pembroke. He wished a Happy Birthday to Mr. Brown and asked Mr. Brown's supporters in the audience to stand - again. He added an interesting tidbit of information regarding the two proclamations  claiming that the City Clerk tried to reach Mayor Bettis over 3 days to approve/sign the proclamations  but had no success in reaching him. He continued by saying that he finally received an answer of "no" on Friday, the 28th. He said, "If you make a decision on personal reasons it's an unjust". He also said, "Whoever sit as mayor next must represent the entire city. It's always right to do what's right". Mayor Bettis interrupts him, saying that's a tough act to follow. Alderman Taylor retorts that what he said was no act.

f. Ald Bengel: Says she approves and agrees with what Ald Outlaw said about the importance of the Branding Campaign. She claimed that we will never solve our problems without branding. People who don't know New Bern will now know it and come. When they come to New Bern, they see our flag with our wonderful bear and are enticed to stay here. The branding initiative will be good for New Bern, it will help expose our community to growth. We will not be able to do the things we want to do if we don't have growth. She says she has talked with the county (she is a recent reappointee to the county Tourism Development Authority) and other partners in on the branding, and states we're in charge and branding is the way to go.

Agenda item 15. City Attorney Davis says there is to be a Closed Session to discuss a business relocation issue and a dispensing of real property.

16. Meeting adjourned at 7:54pm.

Rhonda Taylor 
CCTA Watchdog Reporter for 
  NewBern Board of Aldermen
Ward 6, New Bern, NC

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