Tuesday, December 31, 2013

TPN—Judson Phillips: New Year’s Resolutions, 2014

 The New Year is almost upon us.  Everyone makes New Year’s resolutions. 

Resolutions for the New Year are goals.  Goal’s are an excellent beginning but goals without a plan are pretty meaningless.  Benjamin Franklin warned us, “he who fails to plan, plans to fail.”

What should the Tea Party’s New Year’s resolution for 2014 and the plan be?

For 2014, we need a few simple issues we can make a Tea Party platform.  We need things candidates can identify with and can use to bludgeon their non-Tea Party opponents.

Here are some resolutions that would make a good Tea Party platform we could all use in 2014.

Eliminate waste in government. 98% of all Americans oppose government waste. The 2% that support it work for the government.   The question is how do we eliminate waste when Congressmen and Senators are always adding it and don’t want to cut any programs?

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