Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ellmers to Sebelius: Why Must Men Buy Maternity Coverage Under Obamacare

The prize for best line of questioning to Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius at the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Wednesday morning must go to Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC), for pinning Sebelius down on the question of why Obamacare requires men to buy maternity coverage. Sebelius tried to squirm away--as she had done with many other questioners, but Ellmers was on her "A" game.



10 Signs That Obamacare Is Going To Wreck The U.S. Economy

It is hard to find the words to adequately describe how much of a disaster Obamacare is turning out to be.  The debut of has been probably the worst launch of a major website in history, millions of Americans are having their current health insurance policies canceled, millions of others are seeing the size of their health insurance premiums absolutely explode, and this new law is going to result in massive numbers of jobs being lost.  It is almost as if Obamacare was specifically designed to wreck the U.S. economy.  Not that what we had before Obamacare was great.  In fact, I have long argued that the U.S. health care system is a complete and total train wreck.  But now Obamacare is making everything that was bad about our system much, much worse.  Americans are going to pay far more for health care, the quality of that care is going to go down, they are going to have to deal with far more medical red tape, and thousands upon thousands of U.S. employers are considering getting rid of the health plans that they offer to employees altogether due to Obamacare.  If the U.S. health care system was a separate nation, it would be the 6th largest economy on the entire planet, and now Obamacare is going to absolutely cripple it.  To say that Obamacare is an “economic catastrophe” would be a massive understatement.


Of course we were assured that it wouldn't turn out this way.  We were promised over and over that we were going to pay less for health care, get better coverage, and be able to keep our current health plans if we were pleased with them.  The following is what Obama said at a rally in 2009...

"First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you."

Oh really?

That was such a dramatic lie that even NBC News is turning on him.  They discovered that Obama has known for three years that most people that rely on individual health insurance policies would not be able to keep them...



Hagan: “Dahling, she loves you but give her Park Avenue

US Senator Kay Hagan (D-NC) just can’t stay away from the ritzy, limousine-liberal enclave on Park Avenue in Noo Yawk City. The pantsuited-Greensborian is appearing to morph into Eva Gabor’s character Lisa Douglas in that American television classic “Green Acres.”   We’ve documented the northward travels of Chuck Schumer’s Sock Puppet™ previously, but this one was so fabulous it got written up on a tony, frou-frou New Yawk web site:


Hillary Clinton is careful to avoid discussion of her plans for 2016, but other female Democrats—particularly her former Senate colleagues—have no such compunction. 

“All of the Senate Democratic women have written her a letter encouraging her to run,” Senator Kay Hagan of North Carolina told a crowd of more than 200 women at 583 Park in New York City on Monday afternoon. 


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Meet the Experts on Common Core in Jacksonville, NC

 If you don't know about Common Core and how impacts you child's or grandchild's education, you need to go to this meeting in Jacksonville, NC...

Confused about Common Core?
Don't know what Common Core is?
Or maybe you just have questions about the, the bad and the ugly about Common Core and your child’s education?  Then come meet the experts.  

Join us at an open forum on
November 12th at First Freewill Baptist Church
919 Gum Branch Road in Jacksonville.
The time is 7:00pm
This is NOT a script put out by the North Carolina or
Onslow County Boards of Education.
These are the FACTS about Common Core 
presented by
Lindalyn Kakadelis, Director of the North Carolina Education Alliance
with the John Locke Foundation; and
Jane Robbins, Senior Fellow with the American Principles Project
and renowned Common Core expert

This event is sponsored by concerned parents and grandparents of Onslow County

Nullification and Individual Sovereignty

by Dr. Dan Eichenbaum, October 28, 2013


Eight friends, going out to dinner, are arguing about restaurant choice.  Each has their own favorite cuisine and chef.  Decision time arrives, and one of the eight, let’s name him Alpha-1, unilaterally selects the restaurant and time.  The other seven, with little further discussion, acquiesce.  Alpha-1 is “Sovereign”.  He exerted his ultimate authority to make a decision that was obeyed by the others.

Individual sovereignty is the essence of personal freedom.  A colonist is, by definition, not sovereign, as he owes allegiance and obedience to whichever authority “owns” his colony.  Having successfully rebelled against the King of England, a solitary sovereign, our Constitution’s framers inverted the pyramid of power by investing each individual, not any government entity, with definitive sovereign authority.  Any power given to the state and federal governments was considered to be strictly limited and definitely “on loan” from that sovereign individual.

Our Constitution codifies this hierarchy of authority.  Each state is a sovereign entity made up of sovereign individuals.  Our nation is a federation of sovereign states, created by the Constitution, which is a compact ratified by those individual sovereign states.  The federal government, as the creation of that compact, is most definitely not an equal partner.  If one reads the proceedings of the ratifying conventions of the states, it is clear that the intent was to severely limit the powers of the federal government to those specifically listed in Article I, Section 8.  The individual states, not the Supreme Court, had the authority to determine if the federal government exceeded its authority, and, as sovereign entities, could remedy the usurpation of power by nullification, interposition, or even by secession.


Lt. Governor Dan Forest to Speak at Governmental Affairs Committee Meeting

Jacksonville--Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest is scheduled to be the keynote speaker for the Governmental Affairs Committee meeting on November 4th at 12:15 PM. 
The Governmental Affairs Committee meeting will take place at Jacksonville City Hall, (815 New Bridge Street, Jacksonville, NC.)
Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest will be joined by members of the Governmental Affairs Committee, as well as, military representatives from Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune and Marine Corps Air Station New River. The meeting is open to the public.
Media are welcome and encouraged to attend. 
For more information contact: Kami Mueller at 919-508-0109, or by email at

Kami Mueller
Director of Communications
Lt. Governor of North Carolina, Dan Forest

Moral Monday & McClatchy: Preachers in Court. (What’s this about F.I.S.T?)

The Daily Haymaker, October 28, 2013


For months, we’ve been subjected to stories from our state’s dwindling, money-bleeding mainstream media fawning over Big Bill Barber’s Traveling Circus & Freak Show.  We’ve been told that Moral Monday is simply a bunch of average-joe mainstream North Carolinians upset with those dastardly Republicans running the show in Raleigh.  Some of our reporting — as well as that by our friend Lady Liberty — has poked hole after hole in that ridiculous spin.


We were scanning a story on the McClatchy-Raleigh web site this weekend about Moral Monday-ers in court, when we stumbled across this gem:

Craven County: GOP establishment taking their marbles, going home?

Well, it looks like the mainstream media (MSM)  has finally noticed the hubbub within the Craven County GOP:

[...] A far right faction of Craven County Republican Party, many of whom say they are not in the “tea party,” now has the local GOP at least sipping tea. [...]

Is this one of McClatchy’s rags?  That lede is straight out of their stylebook.  Isn’t it *funny* that folks who actually want to adhere to the party platform are labeled ‘far right’?

This MSM story details the action within the Craven GOP that we have documented extensively HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE,HERE, HERE, and HERE.

One of the more interesting parts of the story involves some statements by a former Craven County GOP chairman:

Sunday, October 27, 2013

CCTA Pot Luck Dinner and Movie Night--November 1st!

Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association (CCTA)

invite you to attend a

6:00 pm, November 1, 2013
Highland Park Christian Church, 905 Carolina Ave., New Bern, NC.

Bring your favorite covered dish, and join us for an evening of fellowship and fun.  After dinner we will watch the movie 
"Emancipation Revelation Revolution"
This is an award-winning documentary about the history of the civil rights movement in America, the role that both major political parties have played in it, and the voting habits of Blacks in America today.
As the nation is now divided -- not along racial lines -- but along issues of morality and values, racial discrimination has been replaced by philosophical discrimination.
Many conservative blacks are now choosing to leave the liberal plantation and follow their own destinies. But What happens to them when they leave?
Why aren't Americans taught about the rich history of blacks in America, beyond the misperception of victimization?
Martin Luther King's dream has been realized -- but not the way he imagined. Blacks in America are being judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin, but the judgment is harsh if they embrace conservative philosophies.
Bring your family and friends!

For more information, call Nancy Murdoch, 444-7272; Eddella Johnson, 772-6025; or Connie Hanna, 637-0005.

Disclaimer: Although some of our classes and events are held at local churches, the churches are not affiliated with and do not endorse or support Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association (CCTA). We have simply made arrangements with them to use their facilities. All church functions and activities remain separate and unaffiliated with CCTA functions and activities. The facilities are used for educational and organizational purposes only and not for political events or endorsements.

Moore TEA Citizens

Moore TEA Citizens:  Nov. 11  Monthly Members' Meeting

The focus of our November program will be on the status and current issues related to enforcing the integrity of our nation's borders and immigration reforms.  Our featured speaker will be Mr. James Johnson, President of NCFIRE (North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement).

NCFIRE is a statewide 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is dedicated to immigration enforcement.  The organization represents the citizens' interest in stopping the flood of illegal aliens into North Carolina.  They also seek to educate our citizens to the many costly and destructive aspects of illegal immigrant crime. 

James can answer any questions you have about actions by our NC State Legislature this past session and about the still pending actions by the U.S. House of Representatives in response to the U.S. Senate bill.

We're counting on seeing you there!  Come join us, won't you!

Date:    Monday, November 11, 2013

Time:    5:30 pm

Place:   Russell's Seafood & Southern Buffet
             1405 Central Drive (NC Hwy. 22)
             Southern Pines, NC 28387

 More information and registration on our website.

Please register either at the above link or by replying to
 this email.  Russell's needs to have an accurate count for food preparations and seating.

A Nullification History Lesson for Jesse Jackson

The Tenth Amendment Center, October 18, 2013
Saul Alinsky, the king of community organizers, once wrote in his book Rules for Radicals that one should “pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
There’s little in American politics that is more polarizing than race, and there’s few better at this kind of fear-mongering than Jesse Jackson.
In his recent columns, Jesse has aggressively pushed the race-card, hoping to convince the fearful that attempts to block Obamacare funding in Congress are somehow born of the same mentality held by those who wanted to preserve the institution of slavery in the 19th century.
Seriously.  You can’t make this stuff up.
Jesse might be a professional polarizer, but he’s an amateur historian, at best.  That’s really an understatement.  Seriously, the guy’s a joke when it comes to facts.
In pontificating about Obamacare, race, and slavery, Jesse tried to give a history lesson, and failed.  Miserably.
Where he really went off the rails was when he attempted to show his “expertise” on nullification.

Here’s a bit of what he had to say:

Silencing dissent by SWATing messengers of truth

“Fasten your seatbacks and tray tables in their full upright and locked position. We’ll be on the ground shortly.” That is the final warning aboard the aircraft known as America, which will be using runway 39A to taxi to the terminal of tyranny. Most of the passengers aboard the luxury aircraft have no clue to what awaits them, as the captain and crew have lulled the majority into a false trance of tranquility. 


The few aboard the aircraft who were aware of their final destination tried to warn the other unsuspecting passengers, who have been immersed in their personal electronic devices, sleeping or watching the airline version of the corporate media, the mouthpieces for their fascist facilitators.

So it is in the United States today. Except those aboard this hijacked luxury aircraft who have been warning others of the danger ahead have been the targets of an increasingly aggressive campaign to silence them - to silence us - by any means necessary. This is the historical hallmark of the last warning of the final approach to the terminal of tyranny.

They are coming for us

Most people are familiar with the accounts of Glenn Greenwald’s partner (ironically named David Miranda, at least to those of us in America), being recently harassed at Heathrow airport in the UK after Greenwald began exposing the scope of the NSA spying campaign. Despite the warnings that this action portended, most people simply decided to turn their personal devices of diversion louder, effectively drowning out the warning bells tolling for the death of one of the most important freedoms in America - the freedom to tell the truth.

John Hawkins: 5 Political Fallacies Too Many Americans Embrace

1) The more democracy we have, the better. As Benjamin Franklin once said, "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch." This is why our Founding Fathers made this country a republic, not a democracy. They believed that the people should have their say, but also that certain underlying rules should remain in place that should take precedence over the will of a simple majority. Ultimately, that's the only way that the wolves and the lambs can happily co-exist over the long haul.
Unfortunately, we've moved so far away from the plain reading of the Constitution that we could fairly be called a post-constitutional society and that has a lot to do with why our government functions so poorly, why politics has become so contentious, and why our nation is slipping into decline. A nation where the law has more to do with the whims of the people in power than constitutional principles is a nation that will become increasingly embittered and unstable over time.

2) When it comes to politicians, morals don't matter. It's no coincidence that most Americans are perpetually disappointed in the honesty of our politicians when they simultaneously believe that the moral failings of politicians have little bearing on their fitness for office. If we put adulterers, degenerates, and crooks in office, they're going to lie to us. Why would anyone expect anything else?

Your Tax Dollars Will Fund Abortions and Planned Parenthood Under Obamacare, Here’s How
On a Friday night back in December 2009, Senate Majority Leader Reid was in tense negotiations with then-Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska, as Reid desperately needed Nelson’s vote to secure Senate passage of ObamaCare. Finally, Nelson had what Politico described as a “breakthrough” that lead to a deal, as Politico reported a few days later. Part of the deal, Politico wrote, was that “people who receive federal subsidies would need to write two separate checks as a way to ensure that none of the federal dollars went toward the abortion premium.”

Six days later, Senator Nelson took to the Senate floor to explain in detail the deal he had negotiated. With respect to the two check requirement, Senator Nelson said: “In the Senate bill, if you are receiving Federal assistance to buy insurance, and if that plan has any abortion coverage, the insurance company must bill you separately, and you must pay separately from your own personal funds, perhaps a credit card transaction, your separate personal check, or automatic withdrawal from your bank account– for that abortion coverage. 

Are You Subsidizing Abortion Coverage Under Obamacare?
Starting this month, uninsured Americans have the option to purchase health insurance through their state exchanges. What you may not know is that many of the plans being offered include elective abortion coverage!

Twenty-three states have exercised their right under Obamacare to exclude abortion coverage, but for the remaining twenty-seven, that decision has been left to insurance companies. If you are receiving this alert, it is because you live in one of the states that allow elective abortion on their state exchange. 

Coal advocates to storm Capitol Hill - CowboyByte

Coal executives and miners will storm the Capitol next week to put pressure on Congress and the White House over regulatory policies that they say are killing jobs.  Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and 30 members of Congress will participate Tuesday in the Count on Coal coalition’s rally.

McConnell has vowed to make what the GOP is calling the administration’s “war on coal” a main issue in his 2014 reelection campaign.
After the Environmental Protection Agency announced a listening tour to gather feedback on new regulations for power plants, McConnell cried foul, claiming the tour did not include any stops in coal-reliant states.

An angle for the NCGA to save us from ObamaCare?

The Daily Haymaker

The recently completed Nullify Now gathering in Raleigh caused some people to sit up and take notice.  The mainstream media, of course, has been mocking it for all it’s worth.  But many folks have seen the concept of nullification as a valid tactic for fighting federal government overreach. 

A movement is afoot in the country to compel state governments — in cases where it is believed that the federal government has overreached and exceeded its constitutional authority — to simply ignore decrees from Washington.   South Carolina has already been pushing the idea in resisting ObamaCare. 

Now, some grassroots leaders North Carolina are making overtures to Republicans in Raleigh to utilize the concept of nullification in blocking the implementation of ObamaCare in North Carolina.  Craven County Republicans got the ball rolling with this recent resolution:

A Resolution to the North Carolina General Assembly to Declare the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) Null and Void and Unenforceable in the State of North Carolina

Whereas; The Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act bill originated in the US Senate.
Whereas; The United States Supreme Court Ruled the PPACA constitutional as a tax in the case of National Federation of Independent Business vs Sebelius.


Craven GOP -Thom Tillis spat ends in Craven chairman’s resignation

The Daily Haymaker

There has been quite a bit of internal drama with Craven County’s Republicans during the last year.  They've voted to censure state House speaker and US Senate candidate Thom Tillis for his efforts to meddle in area GOP primaries. Local party chairman Paul Hill — aided by state GOP officials — raised objections about this move.  Local party leaders ordered that a letter of censure be sent to Tillis and the state party.  Censure supporters on the ground in Craven County suggest that Hill balked at signing and mailing off the letter – a direct conflict with the instructions by the executive committee.

The perceived failure to comply with the censure vote — as well as other unrelated concerns about local party fundraising and operations management — led to some local party leaders bringing charges against Hill and moving for his removal from office.

Chairman Hill was allowed a hearing and afforded an opportunity to defend himself.  But this week, Hill chose to resign his post as chairman of the Craven County GOP.  By acclamation, longtime local activist Carl Mischka was voted in by the executive committee as Hill’s replacement.

A Craven GOP leader — who happens to be a friend of this site — tells me everyone is breathing a sigh of relief now that this is over:


This is the second error filled liberal hit piece written by the Sun Journal New Bern.  Wonder who invited reporter Sue Book to attend and who fed her misinformation.  Neither the "Tea Party" or Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association had anything to do with these events.  Like all RINOS and LIBERTARDS--blame anyone rather than acknowledge the facts, Paul Hill's incompetence and party hack antics!

Craven GOP ‘tea party’ wing asserts influence
A far right faction of Craven County Republican Party, many of whom say they are not in the “tea party,” now has the local GOP at least sipping tea.
Actions at a Thursday night executive party meeting at which Carl Mishka was elected chairman, concluded with a plea for unity but several longtime strong county GOP leaders say they see real division that probably doesn't have a quick fix.
At the meeting, Paul Hill resigned as chairman in letter read in his absence by GOP Vice Chairman Scott Dacey, who also serves as chairman of Craven County Board of Commissioners.
Immediately, executive committee precinct committee chairman Hal James, whose precinct organizational efforts filled all but a handful of executive committee seats with “tea party” conservatives, offered a single motion to accept the resignation and fill the vacant post with Mishka, a six-year New Bern Republican from Orange County, Calif.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Civitas Institute

Are you a concerned citizen frustrated with  how Common Core Standards impact your children? Do you wonder what you can do to make your voice heard and to help reverse these dangerous trends?

If so, you'll want to attend Common Core Standards: What's Next on Thursday, November 14th at the Sheraton-Greensboro (Koury Center).   Speakers include Heather Crossin and Erin Tuttle -- the two moms  who founded Hoosiers Against Common Core and helped to propel the battle against  Common Core Standards in Indiana.   We hope you can join us as we learn the best ways to educate and mobilize others in the fight against Common Core in North Carolina.  For additional information and to register see here.  To access Heather Crossin's presentation at the September 19th Heritage Foundation-Civitas Institute Common Core Forum, see here.

Have a question?  Call 919-834-2099.

Hope to see you on November 14th! Luebke
Senior Policy Analyst
Civitas Institute

NC Renegade: Respect for the American Flag

I attended a conference on Saturday where I was offended by two points. Most people reading this article will consider these points to be trivial. I do not.
1. A Tea Party leader wore a shirt that was the flag of the United States.
2. The organizers of the event wanted to pledge allegiance to the flag but had forgotten to bring one. The solution was to pledge allegiance to the shirt flag.
I understand that most people in our country do not respect our flag. Like Bonhoeffer’s concept of cheap grace, we offer a small token of esteem to our flag without acknowledging the sacrifices it truly represents.
But in my mind, I do not look at the flag as representing an indivisible nation. I see the principles embodied by our founding fathers to bring together our disparate states into a compact under a Constitution. I see the blood and treasure of our sons and daughters who sacrificed to give us Liberty. I see a symbol of our declaration to hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. I see everything that I miss in America today.
David DeGerolamo

§176. Respect for flag  Read the code: 


The Doctrine of Judicial Review

The Constitution did not grant to the Supreme Court the authority to interpret the meaning of the Constitution. The Doctrine of Judicial Review was a power that the court granted to itself in 1801. Chief Justice John Marshall was a political ally of Alexander Hamilton and they both believed in the notion that the Constitution had implied powers.

The Constitution was written as a rule book that the government was expected to follow. The framers of the Constitution knew that only if the Constitution was strictly obeyed could it prevent the government from abusing the rights of the people.
The states delegated to the Constitution a short list of delegated powers and anything that was not delegated to the central government was prohibited. Hamilton wanted the Constitution to be interpreted loosely so that the government could assume powers that were not specifically enumerated. Those that favored a strong central government were constrained by the Constitution in order for the Federalists to achieve their objectives they needed to sell the idea that Congress could do whatever they deemed was necessary and proper.


ObamaCare Records: Finding “Mentally Disturbed” Gun Owners

There are lots of reasons for Americans to hate ObamaCare.

But gun owners should be especially concerned about this “Obamanation,” because it will allow the federal government to use our medical information to keep us from buying guns.

Just ask yourself:

* Was there a death in your family recently causing you to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
* Do you take anxiety medications?
* Did you ever say: I had thoughts of suicide when I was dealing with stress at home or work or after my recent breakup?
* Have you voluntarily checked yourself into an institution to get counseling?
f you answered YES to any of those questions, and there is any federal nexus, then you might find yourself disarmed in the near future.



Tuesday, November 5, 2013 VOTE!

            Craven County Election

Elections will be held for Mayor and/or Members of the governing bodies for the Towns of Bridgeton, Dover, River Bend, Trent Woods, The First Craven Sanitary District and the City of Havelock. Runoff elections will also be held for Mayor and Aldermen of the City of New Bern.

        Absentee ballots are allowed for all elections except Dover. Requests for absentee may be made in writing and received in the Craven County Board of Elections office no later than 5:00 p.m. on October 29, 2013.      One-stop voting for all Municipalities except Dover will be held in the Board of Elections building located at 406 Craven Street, New Bern, NC, beginning October 17, 2013, and ending at 1:00 p.m. on November 2nd. One-stop voting hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., and on Saturday, November 2, 2013, from 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

NC Voter Integrity Project

Same-Day Chaos: Nearly 5,000 NC Voters Still Not Verified Eleven Months Later

(Raleigh, NC)-OCT 23, 2013- The Voter Integrity Project-NC, released a report today suggesting that as many as 4,857 North Carolina voters in the November 2012 election may have abused the Same-Day Registration law in order to vote illegally and 2,253 of them were in Mecklenburg County.
“These voters all registered and voted during the last 19 days before the election,” said Jay DeLancy, Executive Director of the Voter Integrity Project, “but election offices were never able to verify the addresses of a significant number. This suggests that they were never residents of the state, but their votes still counted.”
Until January 2014, NC law (§ 163-82.7) requires a “tentative determination” of the voter’s identity within 48 hours, but the follow-on verification is performed by mail and takes longer to complete.
“Anybody registering and voting illegally toward the end of the Early Voting period has a pretty good chance of safely stealing a vote,” said DeLancy. “It all depends on how quickly the county board can do the mailings.”
Under current North Carolina law, if the USPS returns as “undeliverable” the verification notice sent by nonforwardable mail, the county board is required to deny the application. VIP-NC has trouble with that process, which was mandated under the 1993 National Voter Registration Act.
“Our entire electoral system hinges on all postal carriers being 100 per cent accurate by not delivering any verification letters incorrectly,” he said, “and who among us ever received a misdirected piece of mail?”
To determine the significance of the problem, VIP-NC obtained a public record showing the complete voter history of all NC voters and then screened out all except for the voters who registered at the polls during last November’s one-stop voting period.



New Bern, NC: Lt. Gov. talks Common Core at Craven town hall

Greeting Craven County residents for a town hall meeting at Bridgepoint Hotel on Wednesday, Lt. Gov. Dan Forest spoke candidly about issues facing North Carolinians from joblessness to the new Common Core school curriculum.

“No rules tonight other than let’s be civil,” he told the group beginning at 6 p.m. with about 40 mostly ideological supporters but growing to a more diverse group of about 60 before spirited talk stopped an hour and a half later.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

#NCSEN: Thom Tillis’ biggest donor? Himself.


State House Speaker Thom Tillis has been tooting his own horn about his fundraising prowess.  ONE MILLION DOLLARS, his campaign web site trumpets. What he downplays is that about one-quarter of that came out of his own pockets.


His campaign finance documents show that Tillis loaned his Senate campaign $250,000.  Surely, the loan was made to help ol’ Thom get some PR bang out of the number ONE MILLION.  It’s awfully easy — when you are sitting in a powerful government position –  to shake people down for dollars to fund your political aspirations.


Big fundraising tallies don’t always translate into election victories.  Former Texas governor John Connolly ran for the GOP presidential nomination in 1980 and spent the most money ever for a losing candidate.  If big bank accounts clinched elections, Texas would have US Senator David Dewhurst instead of Ted Cruz.  Kentucky would be represented by US Senator Trey Grayson instead of Rand Paul. Cruz and Paul both ran against powerful incumbent state officials in their respective states who overwhelmingly out-fundraised them.